Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis - 60 Minutes Hit Piece

Not that anyone watches Fake News CBS 60 Minutes anymore; but recently they implemented a hit piece on successful Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, who if President Trump does not run again is a favorite of the Republican base.  DeSantis approved using Publix super markets and drug stores to implement Covid vaccines primarily because they are all over Florida within a mile where most people live.  60 Minutes alleged that the reason DeSantis gave the business to Publix was because they contributed to his campaign. 

First, what is the business.  The Covid vaccine is free so there is no money to be made off the vaccine.  Second, my doctor told me that he is being paid $20, I assume by the government, or medical insurance companies to actually give the shot.  I doubt Publix or any other source is getting paid much more.  The Governor's decision, endorsed by various Democrat Mayors was just about proximity to create more sites to get the vaccine.

I don't know about you; but I am sick and tired of Fake News attacking successful Republicans.  DeSantis is loved in Florida.  He has done an incredible job since being elected Governor.  He made the unilateral decision to give shots to Seniors first a month or more before it became federal government policy.  That decision probably saved thousands of lives.  

In the meantime, we have a crisis at our border as illegal aliens are invading our country all caused by Joe Biden.  Thousands of illegal alien unaccompanied minors are being held in squalid conditions because there is no place to send them with more on the way.  Fake News fails to cover the real stories that matter and instead focuses on a continuation of the Trump Derangement Syndrome except now we must call it Republican Derangement Syndrome.  It is disgusting!!

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