Monday, August 26, 2013

Dr. Martin Luther King - 50 Years Later

This week marks the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's famous "I have a dream speech" given in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC to several hundred thousand people.  It represents a real turning point in the Civil Rights Movement leading to all the progress that has been made to date.  Fast forward 50 years to today.  Legal segregation is against the law.  We have a mixed race, Black President, which in itself is remarkable.  There are thousands of other elected Black officials throughout our country. 

It says a lot about the American people and an end to the systemic prejudice and racism that existed 50 years ago.  While there may still be  discrimination in our society that dies with each generation, the fact is that millions of Blacks have realized the American dream, through education and hard work, to enter many professions and the media making them solidly Middle, or Upper Class in our country.   And, all people can now live anywhere they can afford, without any restrictions.  Matter of fact, this Blogger's next door neighbor is a Black doctor, with a wife that was a nurse and specialist in kidney failure, before she decided to stay home, to live the Ozzie and Harriet life, to raise their children, no different than my wife.  Yes, this life style still  exists in America among the successful, regardless of race. 

That is the good news.   But, what would Dr. King, who was a Christian Minister, say today if he was told that 73% of Black babies are born out of wedlock that has led to the destruction of the Black family in our inner cities.  Further, many of the abortions in the United States are performed in our inner cities on poor Black women.  And, though there has been progress, the poverty rate is higher today under Socialist President Obama than when Bush II, or Jimmy Carter was President.  How would Dr. King respond if he was told that 93% of murders in the US are committed by young Black men.  And, that by a ratio of 6 to 1, there are more Black men in prison, that have been convicted of crimes, than While men, even though Blacks only make up about 13% of the population. 

The laws are all in place to guarantee equal protection and equal access to the benefits of our society to those who work hard and play by the rules; yet millions of Blacks still live on the dole in poverty and misery more than 48 years after Great Society Programs were supposed to end poverty.   For the most part, thankfully, the day has come when Blacks, like all Americans are judged "by the content of their character, rather than the color of their skin".   Yet, perhaps Blacks more than any other group in America have suffered most as a result of the degradation of our culture.  Hip Hop, a Black Phenomenon, is a reflection of that degradation as use of the "N" word, violence and disrespect for women is a common theme. 

Surely, if Dr. King were alive today, he would acknowledge all the progress that has been made very much because of his work; but at the same time decry the state of Blacks in the inner cities of our country.  We will never know if Dr. King would preach the values of personal responsibility, hard work, education and morality today as the solution to problems facing Blacks in our inner cities, rather than the victimization story that is so common now among so called current Civil Rights Leaders that live off the poverty and misery of the poor. 

Given Dr. King's feelings, that he demonstrated on so many occasions, this Blogger would like to believe that Martin Luther King Jr. would speak the truth.  And that is that God helps those who help themselves.  Blacks, like all Americans, depending on government for sustenance is no different than being back on the plantation.  It is hard to imagine that Dr. King would see it any other way. 

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