Thursday, August 27, 2015

Hillary Clinton Is Getting Desperate

As Socialist Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton continues to fall in the polls, she is turning desperate in an attempt to motivate the radical base of the Socialist Party to support her.   On a campaign stop, Hilly compared Republican Presidential Candidates to Terrorists because they all want to defund Planned Parenthood, recently exposed as trafficking in Baby Parts.   And, while Hillary Clinton agrees that Black Lives Matter, apparently she does not understand that All Lives Matter, including the 60 million babies that have been murdered by abortion since Roe V. Wade in 1973.  Now that is a real War on Baby Girls and Boys.

And, since various Republican Candidates are putting forward Common Sense approaches to dealing with Immigration Reform and Illegal Aliens in particular, in Hilly's world that makes them all Terrorists.   Really!!   Hillary Clinton is taking a page out of the Obama Play Book who called those that opposed his deal with Iran, "Crazies".   Again, Really!   In addition to Socialists and Republicans in Congress that have come out against Obama's Iran Deal, various prior Secretary's of Defense and 200 Retired Generals just signed a letter opposing the Deal because it is a serious threat to our National Security. 

Hillary Clinton is desperate as she sees her support eroding among the base of the Socialist Party.   In a recent poll, when Hillary Clinton's name was mentioned the word most associated with her name was "LIAR".    This is the reason Obama is encouraging Crazy Joe Biden to enter the race.  Obama is scarred to death that if Hillary is the candidate that the Socialists will lose to any of the Republican contenders.   Besides, everybody knows that Obama and the Clinton's hate each other.   So, just watch Hilly go as she continues to slide in the polls.  There is nothing uglier than an old, old, desperate woman, or man.   

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