Thursday, October 20, 2022

Vote For Republicans To Protect Your Freedoms

Our freedoms are under attack like never before in American history.  Socialist Fascists (AKA Democrats), Fake News and Big Tech will cancel anyone who does not tow the party line.  These Fascists do not support the Bill of Rights in our Constitution.  There is good reason that James Madison when he wrote the Bill of Rights that was added to the Constitution after it was ratified made the First Amendment Freedom of Speech, Religion and Press.  Without these most basic freedoms democracy is impossible.  If you are Pro-Life, you will be cancelled.  If you are too religious, you will be cancelled.  If you believe that the 2020 election was stolen by fraud from President Trump, you will be cancelled.  If you oppose the radical LGBTQIA agenda, you will be cancelled.  Freedom of Speech and Religion are under serious attack.  

The attack on election integrity is happening because Socialist Fascists (AKA Democrats), Fake News and Big Tech learned how to steal elections in 2020.  They sent out millions of unsolicited ballots that were harvested and put in unmanned drop boxes.  There was often no voter ID or signature validation as these ballots that were cast.  The Socialist Fascists are attempting to ignore state election laws by passing a federal law to make voter fraud the law of the land.  We can't let that happen because if we do our democracy is over.  You must vote for Republicans at all levels of government to insure election integrity.  

Socialist Fascists (AKA Democrats), Fake News and Big Tech would eliminate the Second Amendment to the Constitution, the right to bear arms if they could.  Again, the Founding Fathers had just fought a revolutionary war to end tyranny.  They knew that an armed populace was the only way to guard against tyranny, which is why the right to bear arms came second out of 10 Amendments. The Bill of Rights enumerate our freedoms.  Thousands of Americans have fought and died to protect those freedoms now under attack by Socialist Fascists (AKA Democrats), Fake News and Big Tech.

You must vote for Republicans to protect your freedoms.  Republicans must control the Congress and the Presidency to prevent this assault on our freedoms.  The election in 2022 and 2024 will determine the direction of our country.  We will either remain a free country, or become a Socialist/Communist country if the Socialist Fascists (AKA Democrats) retain control.  We can't let that happen.  

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