Monday, January 31, 2011

ObamaCare Declared Unconstitutional

Federal District Judge, Roger Vinson in Florida, a Reagan appointee, has declared ObamaCare unconstitutional in a case brought the Attorney Generals of 26 states. Judge Vinson not only struck down the individual mandate requiring all to buy health insurance, he concluded that since ObamaCare is predicated on the forced mandate that all must buy health insurance under penalty of fines, in violation of the Commerce Clause of the Constitution, that the entire law is unconstitutional. This is the second federal judge that has ruled against ObamaCare.

Ironically, the Obama Administration accused Judge Vinson of "judicial activism", which is really hilarious since the entire Socialist agenda in the last 98 years was approved by judicial activism. Of course, this case will now go before the US Supreme Court for a final ruling on appeal by the Obama Justice Department. So now ObamaCare has been ruled unconstitutional by two federal judges. The House of Representatives, the peoples house has repealed ObamaCare. Shortly, Republicans in the US Senate will force a vote on REPEAL, in spite of majority leader Socialist Senator Dirty Harry Reid's insistence that he will not allow a vote on REPEAL.

President Obama and Senator Dirty Harry Reid of Nevada just don't get it. The American people are opposed to ObamaCare. 26 states are opposed to ObamaCare. The House of Representatives has REPEALED ObamaCare. But President Obama and Dirty Harry refuse to accept the will of WE THE PEOPLE. As a Nevada resident, I believe Senator Reid should be recalled from office since he was just elected to another six year term not so much because he was popular in Nevada; but instead because the Republican candidate was unpopular. That will be the subject of another blog posting.

President Obama proves daily by his actions and words that he is out of step with the American people so since he just does not get the message, we must make him a one term President in 2012. In fact, we must elect Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, real education, energy and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and job creation in our country.

Most important, we must elect Conservatives who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current or former Presidents, Congresses, or the Courts. We must take back our country in 2012 and 2014, which begins with the REPEAL of ObamaCare. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Uprising In The United States

As we watch the uprisings in the Middle East that are the result of decades of repression, corruption and failure to listen to the will of the people, we should remember that for more than 2 years, there has been an uprising in the United States rejecting President Obama's Socialist Schemes and the corruption and failure to listen to the will of the people that is happening in Washington DC. The Tea Party Movement is an uprising complete with protest demonstrations all over the United States for the past two years. Americans of every race, religion and age have stood up as WE THE PEOPLE to say HELL NO to ObamaCare, Cap & Tax, higher taxes, more regulations and in general bigger, more intrusive government. We are telling the crooks in Washington DC, like Senator Dirty Harry Reid of Nevada and their PEEP's, that have lived off the fat of the land for decades, that we have had enough!!

And, while Socialist President Obama is telling Socialist President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt that he must now listen to the will of the people, Obama has completely ignored the majority of the people in the United States that have been saying for two years that we do not support his Socialist left wing agenda. We do not want more deficit spending, Crony Capitalism and bigger government as proposed by Obama in his recent State of the Union Address. In fact, President Obama, Majority Leader Senator Dirty Harry Reid of Nevada and former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi just did not get the message from the shellacking they experienced in the 2010 election.

Obama, Reid and Pelosi and through them the entire Socialist establishment believe that they lost control of the House of Representatives, six Senate seats, 10 Governorships and more than 600 state house seats because of high unemployment. That is delusional nonsense and an insult to the intelligence of the tax paying American people. Notice I said the tax paying American people, rather than the 50% who pay no income taxes at all many of whom are on the dole one way or another.

Rather, the Socialists took a shellacking in 2010 because there has been and continues to be an uprising in the United States as big and as serious as what is happening in the Middle East. WE THE PEOPLE rose up to elect Conservatives in 2010 and will do so again in 2012 and 2014 that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, real education, energy and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and job creation in our country. WE THE PEOPLE will rise up again in 2012 and 2014 to further reject Obama, Reid and Pelosi's schemes to "transform" our country into a European style Socialist nation with all the corruption that is rampant in Washington DC.

Most important, we will rise up to take back our country by electing Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current or former Presidents, Congresses or the Courts. We will take back our country in an uprising at the polls. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Education Reform & School Choice

Socialist President Obama keeps pushing to spend ("invest") more federal money on education, even though the United States spends more on public schools than any other nation in the world and achieves poorer results. What Obama is really talking about is paying back his teacher union supporters who are facing threats to their bloated pensions. No doubt, Obama will propose a bail out of the states, many of which face bankruptcy, as a pay off to all public employees, including teachers. It important to recognize that union teachers usually make up half the participants at the Socialist Presidential Convention every four years. As such, teacher union own the Socialist Party including Obama, lock, stock and barrel. Obama is really just a union lackey.

And, what a disgraceful shame it is because that relationship is actually harming kids. During the month of January, groups have meeting all over the country in support of the School Choice movement. Clearly, parents, particularly with kids in failing schools should be able to determine what school is best for their kids by use of a voucher. Rich parents, like the Obama's have their kids in private schools that charge exorbitant tuition. Poor and even many middle class parents don't have that option and why not?

The Socialists refuse to allow School Choice because they are protecting teacher union jobs and pensions. About 1,200 poor African American parents right now are fighting to maintain the School Choice Voucher pilot program in Washington DC that Obama eliminated by Executive Order as one of his first acts in office. It is very sad that the first African American President would deny other African Americans the right to get their children out of failing public schools just to protect the teacher union.

What is very ironic is that left wing Socialists that insist on the mother's right to choose related to abortion will deny that same mother the right to choose an appropriate school for her children. Public schools are the new slavery for minority parents and their kids who are stuck in failing inner city schools with no other options. We clearly need education reform in the United States if we are to improve our public schools. School Choice should be the law of the land to break the public school monopoly and allow for competition. Great teachers should receive merit pay. Teacher tenure should be ended to allow bad teachers to be FIRED. The 5% of kids that are problem students should be sent to special schools to address their needs and to get them out of regular classrooms to stop the disruption that they cause to allow teachers to TEACH. And, teacher unions should be eliminated along with all public employee unions. Collective bargaining should be replaced by Civil Service Commissions to keep pay and benefits that are bankrupting our country in line with the private sector.

Education in the United States will never improve as long as Socialists are in office because of their teacher union allegiance fueled by millions in campaign contributions. Whose bread they eat, whose song they sing and Socialists sing like canaries when it comes to teacher unions. None of the reform described above will happen as long as Socialists control our government. Education reform is one more reason we must sweep these Socialists out of office in 2012 and 2014 by electing Conservatives that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, real EDUCATION, energy and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and job creation in America.

Most important, we must elect Conservatives who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current or former Presidents, Congresses, or the Courts. We must take back our country in 2012 and 2014 to implement real education reform. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

National Socialism In The Middle East

Most Arab countries in the Middle East practice National Socialism. These countries are run by dictators and there is rampant corruption and nepotism. In oil rich countries, their leaders have been able to use oil revenues to buy off the people and keep them quiet. We are now seeing in countries like Tunisia and Egypt the end result of Socialism for years. In Egypt most economists believe that real unemployment rate is above 20%. 90% of young people, including those with college degrees, have no jobs. The average Egyptian lives on the equivalent of $2 a day. More than 50% of the people in Egypt live in poverty. As such, the riots in the streets are probably as much driven by the rising cost of food, which has gone up 25% world wide, as anything else.

The United States has tolerated and even supported many of these dictators for the past 30 or more years because the alternative, generally radical Islamic Fundamentalist governments, much like exists in Iran, would have been much worse. So, in the last 20 years, the United States has given Egypt $50 Billion as a pay off for peace with Israel. Hosni Mubarak, the President/Dictator running Egypt has used this money to build his military, not to protect Egypt from Israel, but to repress his people. And now, we see revolution in the streets of Egypt.

What we are really seeing is the collapse of National Socialism in some of these Arab countries because like Socialism everywhere, this economic system only produces repression, misery and a lower standard of living for the people. Certainly, that has been the case in most Arab countries that practice "Crony Capitalism" and a denial of freedom for their people. We see where Socialism leads in the extreme, so when Socialist President Obama attempts to transform America into a European style Socialist nation based on Crony Capitalism, WE THE PEOPLE must stand up and say HELL NO.

Yes, it is true that European countries are democracies, however, Socialism has resulted in a lower standard of living for their people and traditionally higher employment than always existed in the United States. And in addition, now cradle to grave Socialism is bankrupting many countries in Europe. We cannot allow that to happen in the US, which is a big reason we must make Obama a one term President by electing Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, real education, energy and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and job creation in America. And, we must sweep these Socialists out of office to prevent the bankruptcy of our country, which would otherwise result in the same civil strife on our streets that we are now seeing in various Socialist countries.

Most important, we must elect Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current or former Presidents, Congresses or the Courts. We must take back our country in 2012 and 2014 to prevent civil strife on our streets that would result from economic collapse. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Obama's Green Economy

Socialist President Obama continues to push his "Green" economy Socialist Schemes while China brings on one new coal plant a week to provide electricity to support their growing economy. It is important to realize that Spain went "Green" by funding all kinds of subsidies for wind, solar and other technologies, that are not feasible today and it bankrupted their country. Certainly, the private sector in the US should pursue research and development related to wind, wave, solar, bio fuels etc. to eventually supplement, or perhaps replace carbon based fuels; but since none of these technologies can meet our needs today, it is ridiculous to push this strategy instead of developing current energy sources.

Mr. President, can we please have an adult discussion concerning a long term, 50 year energy plan for the United States instead of pie in the sky. Obama claims he wants to create jobs. First of all, government does not create jobs. If anything government destroys jobs by excess taxation and regulation. Only the private sector can create real jobs and only if the government gets out of the way. Reliable, cheap energy is the key to a growing economy. Raising the cost of energy to support Obama's Green Socialist Schemes will result in a lower standard of living for the American people and more jobs going overseas. The Chinese get it. They are pursuing all energy sources at once and so should we. To avoid carbon based energy sources like coal and oil, we should be building nuclear plants all over the United States to power those electric cars and high speed trains Obama wants to build. Yucca Mountain in Nevada should be turned into a giant nuclear reprocessing facility that would take care of the storage issue and create thousands of jobs by making nuclear waste "renewable". All of this can be done safely and in an environmentally sound way as is happening in France and other countries.

The United States has enough natural gas to power our country for decades. If anything the private sector should be given tax incentives to maximize the production of natural gas and to develop a distribution system much like the gas stations on every corner. President Obama is a young, naive and inexperienced college professor and community organizer who has never worked in the real world. Obama does not have a clue what it takes to create jobs, which he demonstrates every day by actions and words. More government spending, what Obama calls "investments" will only add to our National Debt and actually destroy jobs.

We have to make Obama a one term President to get this economy going again by electing Conservatives that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, real energy, education and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and jobs in our country. Obama's Green Socialist Schemes will in fact retard the growth of our economy.

Most important, we must take back our country in 2012 and 2014 by electing Conservatives, who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current or former Presidents, Congresses, or the Courts. President Obama's policies are a clear and present danger to our nation. WE THE PEOPLE must stand up and say HELL NO to the environmental wackos and Obama's Green Economy that is a job killer. We must take back our country. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Obama's Crony Capitalism

In Socialist President Obama's world, there are good corporations and bad corporations. Good corporations like GE and GM support Obama's Socialist Schemes. Bad corporations like banks, oil, coal, nuclear, health insurance and pharmaceutical companies, that employ thousands of Americans in the US, are evil in ObamaLand. Of course, both GE and GM have received billions in bail out money that is yet to be paid back so whose bread you eat whose song you sign. Banks also received billions in bail out money to save our financial system, which has been paid back.

President Obama just appointed Jeff Immelt, the CEO of GE, to head his Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. Since 70% of Americans work for small businesses, what does Jeff Immelt know about real world job creation in the United States? Of GE's 304,000 employees, thousands work overseas in countries like India and China with more GE jobs leaving the US every day.

Further, years ago many of us bought GE stock when Jack Welsh was the CEO. GE stock was always considered the gold standard and a wonderful place to invest for retirement.
That was before Jeff Immelt, GE's "green" CEO became Chairman. Immelt is green alright. Immelt has destroyed GE's stock value. Today GE stock sells for about $19.91 a share. It was often over $100 a share when Welsh, a Republican, was CEO. The 52 week low under Immelt was $13.75 and the high was just $20.28. Immelt is Obama's pal and supporter. Yet many agree that Immelt has made a real mess of GE and should be fired. This is the guy that Obama choose to head his Council on Jobs and Competitiveness even though Immelt has done a lousy job leading GE and 70% of jobs in the US are in small business not huge corporations. Maybe Immelt should focus on running GE to build shareholder value, the job he is paid millions to do. What a joke!!

President Obama is a supporter of crony capitalism where the government picks winners and losers by providing subsidies and bail outs to supporters deemed as "green" companies and then regulates to death other industries that are "evil" with the intent of destroying them. ObamaCare is designed to destroy insurance companies to eventually result in a single payer plan like government run Medicare for all Americans. The Environmental Protection Agency is using Executive Orders to virtually destroy the carbon based energy industry. Obama's financial regulations are making it very difficult for banks and mortgage companies to do business.

Crony Capitalism is a Socialist practice that ultimately never works and really is evil. Perhaps Obama should focus on running the government and getting spending under control rather than bankrupting our county. In other words, the President should mind his own business and let private enterprise succeed or fail based on a value proposition in accordance with free market capitalism, not government intervention or direction.

All of us support a clean environment; but not if government subsidies are needed to make things like ethanol, electric cars and high speed trains feasible. In a free market economy, these things will happen if and when they are economically viable and not before. The government needs to get out of the way and allow the free market to work. The last thing we need is the Crony Capitalism proposed by Obama. Government is rarely the answer and almost always the problem. We need to stop all of this by making Obama a one term President in 2012 before he bankrupts our nation.

We must sweep these Socialists out of office in 2012 and 2014 by electing Conservatives that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, real education, energy and health care reform, a strong national defense including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and job creation in America.

Most important, we must take back our country by electing Conservatives who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current or former Presidents, Congresses or the Courts. We must take back our country to end Obama's Crony Capitalism and Socialist Schemes. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Obama's Big Ideas - Same Old, Same Old

Socialist President Obama spoke of "big ideas" in his State of the Union address. The problem is that all of his ideas were Same Old, Same Old warmed over big government Socialist schemes. Obama just does not get it. Government is the problem, not the solution and that has never been more true than under President Obama. The American people want limited government, not bigger more intrusive government. We don't want crony Capitalism where government picks winner and losers. We support free market capitalism that recognizes that strong companies will prevail because of their value proposition, not because of government subsidies, or regulations that favor some companies over others. 98 years of Socialism has pushed companies and jobs overseas. Today, there are only about 1,650 companies with 5,000 employees or more still headquartered in the US and that number continues to shrink because of high taxes and all the job killer regulations enacted by Socialists. Going further down this road, as proposed by Obama, is a road to a lower standard of living for our people and fewer jobs in the United States.

President Obama is proposing that federal spending be frozen for the next five years. If that was to happen, there would still be trillions of dollars in deficit spending added to our National Debt. Even pushing spending back to 2008 levels, the Republican proposal, is not enough to stop all the deficit spending. We need to cut spending dramatically by eliminating various government departments, agencies and programs. This will never happen as long as Obama is President because he is owned lock, stock and barrel by the public employee unions that are bankrupting our country.

President Obama continues to use the Socialist code word "investments" to describe all his new Socialist Schemes, which is just more deficit spending that will bankrupt our country. We have heard it all before. Obama promised us that his SwindleUS Plan would create jobs and cap unemployment at 8%. It did not happen. Obama told us that ObamaCare would cut health care cost and instead insurance premiums have skyrocketed. Now the EPA, under Obama's direction is destroying our energy industry by Executive Order as CAP & TAX is implemented without a vote of Congress. So now Obama wants us to spend even more money to pay off the public employee unions and bail out his supporters. This is all just crazy. WE THE PEOPLE must stand up to save our country by making Obama a one term President in 2012. Our nation and way of life is at stake.

We must sweep these Socialists out of office by electing Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, real energy, education and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and job creation in our country. None of this will happen as long as Obama is President.

We must elect Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 that will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current or former Presidents, Congresses, or the Courts. President Obama proves every day by his actions and words that we must take back our country in 2012 and 2014 because Obama's policies are a clear and present danger to our nation. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Global Terrorist Threat Is Real

The recent terrorist attack in Russia at a major airport that killed 35 and wounded 170 or more proves once again that the global terrorist threat is real and not going away any time soon. These are not isolated incidents as often suggested by Obamanistas; but rather there is a global organization of Islamic Terrorists working together to murder both moderate Muslims and those who live in modern Western countries. These Islamic Terrorists seek to impose a caliphate in the Middle East, based on Sharia fundamentalist law that if applied in the West would end our freedoms. This is based on their pronouncements, not random speculation. It is what it is.

For some reason that makes no sense, Socialist President Obama refuses to see the Terrorist enemy that has declared war on the United States. Obama will not use the words Terrorist and Islamic in the same sentence. The notion that Guantanamo Bay must be closed because it is used as a recruitment tool to create more terrorists, as asserted by Obama, is ridiculous. Clearly, 9/11 and various other terrorist's attacks happened long before there was a Guantanamo Bay. And, if that logic made any sense and these Islamic enemy combatants were held on the moon, then presumably the moon would be the rationale used for recruiting terrorists. A prison is a prison. It does not matter where we hold these enemy combatants; but that we hold them so that they don't end up back in the field murdering our people, or our soldiers. Guantanamo Bay is a perfect location away from the heartland of our country.

And, the notion that terrorist enemy combatants, captured in the field should be tried in American courts, giving them the rights of an American citizen, when they are not citizens, rather than in military tribunals, is completely absurd. President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder are irresponsible in proposing any such thing. The fact is that the United States is at war with Islamic Terrorists that have officially declared war on our country. We could ignore them; but it would be at our peril. We must recognize the threat and act accordingly.

The first thing that we must do is to SECURE OUR BORDER to prevent terrorists from entering the United States. And then, we must recognize the enemy and seek to cut off all funding sources even if it means calling out Arab countries, supposedly our friends and allies, that are either directly, or indirectly funding these Terrorists. President George W Bush was right when he said that these countries "are either with us or against us". There can be no in between.

And, finally, we must deal with both Iran and North Korea to end their nuclear threat, which is a clear and present danger to our nation because Iran in particular is tied to terrorists and North Korea will sell nuclear technology to anyone willing to pay. If that means destroying their capabilities by air, we must do it. The threat is just too great to allow these regimes to continue their belligerence. It is clear that negotiations by three Presidents have not worked; that's for sure. We must take action to prevent a catastrophe. If we did not learn that lesson from Hitler and the NAZI's, then we learned nothing from the millions killed before and during World War II. Never Again, Never Again!!

President Obama is weak and ineffective and his Socialist Party in general is weak on defense. We also know that Obama will not take the necessary actions to either secure our border, or deal with Iran and North Korea. This is one more reason we must elect Conservatives in 2012 that are strong on defense. Our nation and way of life are at stake. Indeed, we must sweep these Socialists out of office by electing Conservatives that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, real energy, education and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and job creation in our country.

Most important, we must elect Conservatives in 2012 and 2014, who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current or former Presidents, Congresses, or the Courts. We must take back our country, which includes dealing with the Terrorist threat. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Republican Candidates for the Presidency in 2012

It is critical that we make Socialist President Obama a one term President in 2012. That will only happen if we nominate the right Conservative Republican candidate to get the job done. We should have learned our lesson with John McCain. Of course, it is early and some will fall away in the next 12 - 18 months; but here is this Blogger's take on the field we see today.

Many believe that Mitt Romney is the front runner; but I fear that Romney is a RINO because of his support for ObamaCare when he was Governor of Massachusetts. Romney has also changed from being pro-choice to pro-life. So while Romney otherwise has good credentials, he must be viewed with suspicion. Mike Huckebee is a good guy; but is not tough enough to deal with Obama's dirty Chicago style politics. Tim Pawlenty was a successful Governor in Minnesota, but God he is boring. Newt Gingrich is the smartest Republican politician; but he may have too much baggage. Sarah Palin is right on all the issues; but she may be too controversial and the media is out to destroy her. Haley Barbour is too good old boy and Southern. Rick Perry doesn't seem all that bright. Chris Cristie is a too much of an "in your face" kind of guy and the unions will do anything to keep him from winning. Rudi Guiliani is pro-choice so he will never get the Republican nomination. Ron Paul is too cranky and old. Bobby Gindl, the Republican Governor of Louisiana is too young. So who is left?

The most Ronald Reagan like Republican politician is Jim Demint, Senator from South Carolina. Demint is right on all the issues and he is a very smart, personable, likable guy. Demint is fighting all of Obama's Socialist Schemes and is serious about cutting federal spending. John Kasich, just elected Governor of Ohio, has the credentials to be President of the United States. Kasich father was a mail man. He is a blue collar Republican who could attract Reagan Democrats. And, the rising star is Bob McDonnell, the new Conservative Governor of Virginia. McDonnell, former Attorney General of the State of Virginia looks good and thinks good. Barring any scandals that surface, my guess is that one of these three Republicans has the best chance of beating Barack Obama in 2012.

Who ever the Republican nominee for President turns out to be, the Vice President and running mate should either be Marco Rubio, just elected Senator from Florida, or John Kasich, the new Governor of Ohio assuming Kasich is not the Presidential nominee. No Republican President has been elected in this century without carrying the state of Ohio. And, we all know the Florida story. Rubio is smart, articulate, Hispanic and Catholic with good state government experience. Kasich was in charge of the Budget Committee when he was a Congressman and was there when the budget was balanced when Bill Clinton was President. Both Rubio and Kasich come from blue collar parents, which will be important related to attracting Reagan Democrats and Independents.

We must sweep the Socialists, including the President, out of office in 2012 and 2014. If we nominate the right Republican candidates we can do it. We must elect Conservatives that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, real education, energy and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and job creation in our country.

Most important, we must elect Conservatives who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current or former Presidents, Congresses, or the Courts. We must take back our country in 2012 and 2014. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Obama's State of the Union Address

On January 25th, Socialist President Obama will issue his State of the Union Address before members of Congress, other government officials and some Justices of the Supreme Court. It has been reported that a few of the Justices will not attend because last year Obama attacked the Court during his speech, which was unprecedented. In any case, Obama will tell us that he averted the financial collapse of the United States by spending more than three trillion dollars, all of which had to be borrowed, adding to our $14 Trillion National Debt. After wasting more than a year on ObamaCare, which should be repealed, Obama will say that now he is focused JOBS, JOBS, JOBS like a laser beam.

Since the President recognizes political reality, Obama will tell us that it is time for Republicans and Socialists to work together when during his first two years in office, Obama would not even meet with Republicans and all of his signature legislation to "transform" America was enacted with little or no Republican support. But most important, Obama will say that we must "invest", translation implement more deficit spending, in state bail-outs, infrastructure and education to pay off his union supporters even more. While President Obama will pay lip service to cutting spending, Obama will tell us that now is not the right time to do it because it will hurt the economy.

Of course, all of this is BALONEY. For Socialists, it is never the right time to cut spending and it is always the right time to raise taxes. And, if Obama's Socialist Schemes, including trillions in deficit spending, was the key to creating jobs rather than just a big pay off to his union supporters, then why did unemployment reach 10% in the last two years when Obama told us that unemployment would not go above 8% if his Socialist Schemes were enacted into law. The reality is that the private sector is sitting on more than two trillion dollars in cash holding back on making investments in America. This should be no surprise since Obama and the Socialists, in practicing class warfare, have demonized business blaming the private sector for all the problems in America, when it has been their wacko policies that are destroying our country. Further, either by Socialist legislation or Executive Order, thousands of new regulations have been put in place that are all job killers. The Environmental Protection Agency alone is destroying the energy industry in the United States.

So as we listen to President Obama during the State of Union Address and we get past all the smiles, feel good verbiage and members of Congress from both parties sitting next to each other holding hands, we will still be facing all of Obama's Socialist Schemes that must be stopped to restore economic growth and jobs in our nation. Clearly, we must make Obama a one term President in 2012 to get our country back on track. We must also sweep more Socialists out of office at all levels of government by electing Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, real education, energy and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and job creation in our country.

Most important, we must elect Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current or former Presidents, Congresses, or the Courts. We must take back our country. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The United States Is At A Crossroad

The United States is at a crossroad. We will either continue to be a great nation, or fall into second, or even third class status. We will either get our financial house in order to deal with our $14 Trillion national debt, or other countries that hold that debt, will determine our future. Our country will either continue to be predicated on a free market economy, which has been the historical basis of our success, or we will become a European style Socialist country, with a command economy run by the government, which will result in a lower standard of living for our citizens and the loss of our freedoms. We will either secure our border to maintain our national identity, or lose our nation.

Socialist President Obama appears to be the Manchurian candidate put in office by our enemies with the intention of destroying our country. I don't know if that is true; but I do know that Obama's actions to "transform" our country by Executive order will result in second class status as a nation, a lower standard of living for all Americans and the loss of our freedoms. I also know that Obama and the Socialists in Congress are bankrupting our country. Congress needs to cut spending by more than a trillion dollars a year to stop the deficit spending that is adding to our national debt. The Socialists will never agree to those cuts because it means ending many programs and getting rid of various agencies and departments that are sacred to Socialists and their PEEP's. Yet if this does not happen, the bankruptcy of our country is assured.

The same applies to various states, cities and counties that are facing bankruptcy. The balloon has burst. It would be a huge mistake for the federal government to borrow more money, or print money to bail out the states in order to pay off the public employee unions; yet the Socialists will propose doing just that. We can't let that happen. To prevent the dire picture that I paint from happening, we must take back our country by electing Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 at all levels of government that support free market capitalism, limited government, a balanced budget, term limits, real education, energy and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and job creation in our country.

Most important, we must sweep the Socialists out of office by electing Conservatives, who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, our current or former Presidents, Congresses, or the Courts. We must take back our country in 2012 and 2014. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

REPEAL ObamaCare - Senators, Or Face Defeat

The US House of Representatives has repealed ObamaCare by a vote of 245, which included all Republicans and 3 Socialists to 189 die hard Socialists that voted against repeal. Clearly, the people's House has spoken resoundingly. 26 states, the majority, are suing the federal government to have the courts declare ObamaCare unconstitutional. This blogger does not recall any court case in American history when 26 states have joined together to sue the federal government related to any issue. Yet, Socialist President Obama, House Minority Leader Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco and Senate Majority Leader Senator Dirty Harry Reid of Nevada remain tone deaf to the will of WE THE PEOPLE. It is what cost them the last election.

Senator Dirty Harry Reid has said that when the the bill to Repeal ObamaCare is sent over from the House that he will not allow it to come to vote. The reason Reid will not allow Repeal to come to a vote is because he fears that it will pass in the US Senate. It would only take a few Socialists to side with all Republicans to enact Repeal in the Senate. Fortunately, Republican Senator Jim Demint of South Carolina has already said that he will use parliamentary maneuvers to propose the very same bill to Repeal ObamaCare in the Senate. None of this is symbolic by any means, as suggested by the Socialists, including the President. Ultimately, if ObamaCare is Repealed by both Houses of Congresses, Obama will be forced to veto the bill, which will be contrary to the will of the American people just in time for the 2012 Presidential election. Go ahead, Mr. President, we dare you to veto the Repeal of ObamaCare. Make our day.

This fight is far from over. There are 23 Socialists Senators up for reelection in 2012, while only 10 Republican Senators will be facing the voters in 2012. Many of these Socialists come from Red states that were carried by John McCain. These Socialist Senators are extremely vulnerable to defeat in 2012. The Republicans will most certainly retain the House in 2012. The odds are very good that given the number of Socialists that will be on the ballot, Republicans will pick up the hand full of seats that are needed to regain control of the Senate. We want these Socialists on the record related to a vote to Repeal ObamaCare. If Dirty Harry does not allow a vote on Repeal, then all 23 of these Socialist Senators are guilty by association. As such, we will just repeal all of them.

We are going to sweep these Socialists out of office in 2012 and 2014, including the President, by electing common sense Conservatives that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, real education, energy and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and job creation in America.

Most important, we will elect Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 that will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current or former Presidents, Congresses, or the Courts. We will take back our country to end ObamaCare. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Two Faces of Barack Obama

Socialist President Obama recently wrote an article published in the Wall Street Journal to tell us that he is issuing another of his infamous Executive Orders demanding that federal agencies review all regulations to "make sure we avoid excessive, inconsistent and redundant regulations" that "stifle job creation and make our economy less competitive". This is truly amazing given that the entire Obama Presidency to date has done nothing but issue regulations that are all job killers.

Let me count the ways that include ObamaCare, that is killing American business at the top of the list and Financial Regulations that are resulting in less lending by banks, not more. But the worst offender is Obama's Environmental Protection Agency, the Gestapo, that is literally destroying the energy industry in the United States by Executive Order. The EPA is an incredible threat to our standard of living and our nation. In essence, the EPA is using Executive Orders and additional regulations to close down carbon based industries, that we depend on for energy, without any consideration to the due process of law.

Companies will fight back by court action; but this could take years to accomplish. In the mean time, any investments made based on prior government approvals must be written off as a total loss. Why would any company invest in America to create jobs, when the EPA as the Gestapo Agency of the federal government, can come in with their jack boots at any time and without notice to close the company down. This happened in NAZI Germany and in Communist countries, by how can it be happening in the United States? WE THE PEOPLE must stand up to stop this abuse of power.

Apparently, President Obama must live in a parallel universe that we don't understand. It is truly the two faces of Barack Obama, as the President says one thing about eliminating regulations to create jobs and then sends in his Gestapo the same week to close down industries and destroy jobs. But then, that has been the story of the Obama Presidency. We have got to make Obama a one term President in 2012 to take back our country from these Socialists and environmental wackos to prevent the United States from becoming a second rate nation. It appears that Obama is the Manchurian Candidate imposed on our country by an enemy. What other explanation can there be for Obama's actions that are destroying our country?

We have got to sweep these Socialists out of office by electing Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 that support free market capitalism, LIMITED GOVERNMENT, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, real education, energy and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and job creation in our country.

Most important, we must elect Conservatives who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current or former Presidents, Congresses, or the Courts. We must take back our country and shut down the Gestapo EPA. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our Nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Shut Down The Environmental Protection Agency

The Environmental Protection Agency, as directed by Socialist President Obama, has assumed Gestapo Powers to regulate and close down entire industries under the guise of protecting air and water. The EPA just pulled the permit granted to a major coal company in West Virginia in 2007 effectively shutting down one of the largest coal mining sites in the nation. This action will cost thousands of jobs and it sends a chilling message to all mining companies and manufacturers at a time when Obama is begging companies to invest in America to create jobs. Both Socialist Senators Rockerfeller and Manchin from West Virginia went ballistic upon hearing this news. The fact is that these Obamanistas are job killers.

The United States will never become energy independent without the use of carbon based fuels and nuclear energy in the next 50 years, while newer technologies like solar, wind and bio fuels are perfected to become economically feasible. This means that we will continue to send billions of dollars every month overseas to buy oil when we have sufficient natural gas, clean coal, oil shale and nuclear technology to make our country energy independent in the next ten years creating a million or more jobs in the process. But this will not happen as long as Obama is President, which is another reason we must make him a one term President in 2012. Obama has got to go!!

The Obama Administration is filled with Socialists and Environmental Wackos that are recking our country. WE THE PEOPLE must stand up in 2012 and 2014 and throw these characters out of office. In the mean time, the Republican Congress must SHUT DOWN the EPA, Gestapo Agency, by starving the beast. Cut their funding NOW!! Every day of the Obama Presidency is like another shoe dropping giving us reasons to elect common sense Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, real education, ENERGY and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and job creation in America.

Most important, we must elect Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current or former Presidents, Congresses, or the Courts. We must take back our country and that includes getting rid of the EPA and other Gestapo Agencies attempting to control our lives. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Time To Repeal ObamaCare Or Face Defeat

It is very likely that the vote to repeal ObamaCare, coming shortly in the House of Representatives, will be overwhelming. All Republicans in the House will vote to repeal this monstrosity, along with some Socialists that see the writing on the wall that says DEFEAT in the next election if they don't act accordingly. Socialist Senator Dirty Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader in the Senate has said that he will not allow the Repeal of ObamaCare to come to a vote in the Senate when it is sent over from the House. Reid will attempt to prevent a vote because he knows that all Republicans and enough Socialists from Red states in the Senate will also vote to Repeal ObamaCare.

If Dirty Harry plays games and he will, hence the reason we call Reid Dirty, then the Republicans must play hard ball to bring ObamaCare to a vote in the Senate. That means adding Repeal as an Amendment to virtually every piece of legislation that comes before the Senate to make the ObamaCare Repeal vote happen. We want all Senators on the record so we can target those Senators that don't vote to Repeal ObamaCare for DEFEAT in 2012.

Though the President will veto Repeal, if the entire Congress does vote to Repeal ObamaCare, it will make it very difficult to get the votes needed to fund administration of ObamaCare going forward. In other words, the House of Representatives, in particular, can starve the beast by not giving the President the money he needs to proceed with this Socialist Scheme to federalize health care, which represents one sixth of the US economy. And, ObamaCare will continue to be an issue in the 2012 Congressional and Presidential elections giving us all one more reason to make Obama a one term President and get rid of even more Socialists in Congress.

WE THE PEOPLE have had enough!! We don't want ObamaCare, CAP & TAX, Bail Outs, Net Neutrality, or any other of Obama's Socialist Schemes. To stop it all and begin the reversal of 98 years of Socialism, we must elect common sense Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, real education, energy and HEALTH CARE Reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and jobs in our country.

Most important, we must sweep these Socialists out of office in 2012 and 2014 by electing Conservatives who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, our current or former Presidents, Congresses, or the Courts. We must take back our country, which includes the REPEAL of ObamaCare. We can do it. We must do it preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Raising The National Debt Ceiling - A Bad Idea

In the next few months, the United States will hit the National Debt Ceiling of $14.3 Trillion Dollars. In order for the federal government to continue borrowing money to feed the beast, the Congress will have to raise the Debt Ceiling once again. To be clear, if the debt ceiling is not raised and it remains at $14.3 Trillion, the party is over. It would mean that the Congress and President would have to cut more than a Trillion dollars in spending to live within the $2.3 Trillion that the federal government brings in each year in tax revenues and other fees. It is time to go cold turkey if we are ever going to stop all the deficit spending that is bankrupting our country.

Both political parties are guilty as charged. Both the Socialists and the Republicans have been spending our money like drunken sailors on a long weekend on shore. Though the deficit has grown under Socialist President Obama like never before. In fact, Obama has added more to the National Debt during his few years in office than any other President in American history. And, if not stopped, Obama actually would like to add another $10 Trillion or more to the National Debt in the next ten years. It is almost as though Obama is intentionally trying to bankrupt our country because his actions are so irresponsible that there can be no other explanation. WE THE PEOPLE must stand up and say HELL NO.

Republicans in Congress and responsible Socialists, if there are any, should vote against raising the National Debt to form a majority of the thinking. If that is not possible because life will end as we know it as a result of the abrupt end to deficit spending, then a condition for raising the National Debt must be the enactment of a Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment that is being proposed by various Tea Party Members of Congress. Unless we are facing a declared war, or other national disaster ratified by three fourths of the states, the federal government must be forced to live within its means. It is clear that only a Constitutional Amendment will make that happen because neither party can be trusted to properly manage our money.

Since it is not likely that the Socialists will abandon their big spending ways, we must elect common sense Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a BALANCED BUDGET, term limits, real education, energy and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and job creation in our county and to prevent the bankruptcy of our nation.

Most important, we must elect Conservatives who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current or former Presidents, Congresses, or the Courts. We must take back our country and start by enacting a Balanced Budget Amendment to the US Constitution. We can do it. We must do it preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Government Intervention In The Economy

Government intervention in the economy is always the problem and rarely the solution, often causing boom and bust cycles. It was the federal government that decided that everyone should be a homeowner, even those who could not afford to make payments. As such, mortgage companies were "persuaded" by Socialists during the Clinton Administration, under threat of even more regulation, to make loans to people who could not qualify for loans under normal credit standards. People like Socialist Congressman Barney Frank and Senator Chuckie Schumer screamed that mortgage companies were discriminating against their PEEP's because they could not get home loans. Of course, their PEEP's often could not get home loans because they did not have the means to repay them.

And, then corrupt Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac got into the act with huge campaign contributions that mostly went to Socialists, including Barack Obama. The cheap money flowed as the mortgage backed security was born to fund these sub prime mortgages. We all know the end of this story as we now have millions of homes in foreclosure and a real estate market in many states in chaos.

And, then of course, there are all the bail outs, which is just another form of government intervention. General Motors and Chrysler, in particular, should have been allowed to go bankrupt and file for reorganization. The odds are pretty good that Chrysler, which was bailed out once before, would have disappeared to get rid of the excess capacity in the auto industry. GM would have come out of bankruptcy leaner and better able to compete. Instead, what is now Government Motors emerged and it still owes the American taxpayer more than $50 Billion that we will never see again. And, GM has been forced to produced the Chevy Volt, their electric car that sells for more than $40,000 and is subsidized by the government to the tune of $7,500 per car. Obviously, if the car must be subsidized, there is no market for it because the technology still does not compete with gasoline powered cars.

And, don't get me started on Ethanol, wind and solar power none of which are economically feasible today. The federal government is spending billions of dollars to subsidize these technologies rather than allow the development of nuclear, clean coal, natural gas and oil in the United States that would make our country energy independent in the next ten years.

Government generally does not have a good track record whenever it intervenes in the economy. If anything government intervention distorts markets and rewards losers. Free market capitalism, in all its brutality at times, is the only way to ensure innovation, economic growth and job creation. Socialists at all levels of government just do not get this. Yes, government has a role to play related to our national defense and certain infrastructure development; but otherwise, government should mind it's own damn business and allow the free market to prevail for better or worse.

Since Socialists do not understand Economics 101, we must elect Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, real education, energy and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and job creation in our country.

Most important, we must sweep these misguided Socialists out of office by electing Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current, or former Presidents, Congresses, or the Courts. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Cities, Counties & States Should File Bankrupcy

Cities, Counties and States with huge deficit spending and pension liability should file bankruptcy rather than raise taxes, which would retard economic growth and kill jobs. This may require an act of Congress related to the states; but cities and counties have filed bankrupcy in the past, as a last resort and it worked just fine. These government entities are facing more than $2.5 Trillion of pension liability that is unsustainable. Bankruptcy would allow for abrogation of public employee union contracts, which is the only way to bring expenditures in line with current tax revenues.

This really needs to happen in states like California, Illinois, New York and New Jersey though there are probably other states, as well, where bankruptcy is appropriate and the only logical remedy to their financial mess. Over the years many cities, counties and states have agreed to union employee compensation and benefits far above what is typical in the private sector. Bankruptcy would not only allow for dealing with this problem, it would also allow for elimination of many government departments that are redundent and lay off of thousands of government employees. Clearly, government at all levels is out of control, which is the reason we have a $14 Trillion National Debt and many states simply cannot continue business as usual.

Most important, there should be no federal bail out of any state, or local government that would only add to our National Debt. The rubber has hit the road. It is time to cut off the arm with the cancer to save the body. In addition, going forward, collective bargaining and strikes by government employees should be outlawed along with political donations by public employee unions that are corrupting our entire system of government. It is a huge conflict of interest for politicians of any party to take donations from public employee unions when those same elected officials must then approve compensation and benefits for public employees. Negotiations with Unions, if they happen at all, should be handled by Civil Service Commissions composed of retired businessmen and women with experience in the private sector to keep these public employee compensation and benefits packages consistent with what is common in the private sector. This is only common sense.

Of course, Socialists in government will never support this common sense plan because they are owned, lock, stock and barrel by the public employee unions, which is one more reason we must sweep them out of office in 2012 and 2014. If we continue business as usual, it will bankrupt our country. As such, we must elect Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, real education, energy and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and jobs in our country. Clearly, dealing with the public employee unions must occur to prevent the bankruptcy of our country.

Most important, we must elect Conservatives who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current, or former Presidents, Congresses, or the Courts. We must take back our country in 2012 and 2014. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.