Friday, August 31, 2012

Time For Obama To Man Up

Card talk and numbers don't lie; but Socialists will lie, cheat or steal to stay in office.   This truism is apparent in this Presidential election as Socialist President Obama and his supporters will say just about anything to win reelection.   But facts are facts and hard to run from, aren't they.   The fact is that there are about 4 million fewer people working today than the day Obama took office.   The 2 million new jobs Obama continues to brag about on the campaign trail, created during his first term in office, are not even enough to keep up with the hundred thousand young people entering the workforce each month. 

The fact is that there has been no economic recovery as a result of Obama's failed policies.   Obama's Trillion dollar, deficit spending SwindleUS Plans failed to create meaningful jobs.   We have had 42 straight months of unemployment at 8% or higher.   Unemployment is actually above 15% when all our counted.   Obamas, Environmental Protection Agency, the Gestapo, is killing high paying energy jobs.   The poverty rate is up higher than when Bush II was President.   Now 1 in 6 Americans are officially living in poverty.   The foreclosure rate is the highest in American history.  Bankruptcies are up.   All we have gotten for Obama's Hope and Change is misery, higher unemployment and poverty and a lower standard of living for the American people.

It is time for Obama to man up and accept responsibilities for his failures.   Any man or woman in any leadership position who fails to accept responsibility for his or her actions is fatally flawed and should not remain in the job.   Obama acts like a spoiled kid blaming everyone and every thing else for his failures.   It has to end. 

We must make Obama a one term President in 2012.   We must elect a proven leader,  Mitt Romney, the next President of the United States to get our country back on track.   We must also gain Republican control of both Houses of Congress to restore economic growth and job creation again in America and prevent the bankruptcy of the United States.   We can do it.   We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.   In the mean time, tell President Obama to man up.  After four years, it is about time, isn't it. 

P.S.  To donate to Mitt Romney's campaign, just go to and click on Donate.  Once on that page, look for the line that says, I know my Referrers Information, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral Number to make our voices heard.   Give as much as you can to take back our country.  

Mitt Romney - A Smart, Good & Decent Man

Socialist President Obama has spent more than $100 million trying to paint Governor Mitt Romney, the Republican nominee for President, as an evil, rich, greedy, tax cheat.   This Blogger has been saying for months that Mitt Romney is a Boy Scout and we saw proof during the Republican Convention.   Many people that have known and have worked with Mitt Romney for years testified to his decency, intelligence and skills to get the job done.   Romney is not the kind of guy, unlike Obama, who goes around bragging about himself because Romney is secure in who he is.   But, we heard story after story about Mitt Romney's involvement in helping other people.   Romney is a really good and decent guy by any standard. 

Mitt Romney has the experience to be President of the United States, again unlike President Obama, who has never accomplished anything important in his life, except perhaps fathering two, attractive and presumably smart daughters.  Obama is a legend in his own mind.  As they say in Texas, Obama is all hat.  Mitt Romney has successfully worked in business and government creating jobs.  Mitt Romney knows what it takes to make payroll and run a successful business.  Romney also did a great job as Governor of Massachusetts bringing down unemployment to less than 5% and balancing the state budget, without raising taxes.  Finally, Mitt Romney saved the 2004 Olympics from financial calamity.

We need Mr. Fix It in Washington DC.   We must elect Mitt Romney the next President of the United States and gain Republican control of both Houses of Congress to prevent the bankruptcy of the United States and get our country back on track.  We have to make Obama a one term President in 2012 to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.   We can do it.   We must do it to restore economic growth, prosperity and job creation once again in America.   In the mean time, since Obama has no record of accomplishment to run on, we can expect that Obamanistas will lie, cheat or steal to stay in office.  That means we will see more sleazy, dirty politics from these Socialists as they attempt to slander Mitt Romney's good name.   Whatever their policy differences, the facts concerning Mitt Romney are otherwise. 

P.S.  To donate to Mitt Romney's campaign to make Obama a one term President, just go to and click on Donate.   Once on that page, look for the line that says, I know my Referrers Number, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral Number to make our voices heard.  Give as much as you can to take back our country. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Paul Ryan - Courage, Character & Common Sense

President Obama and his Socialist pals in government rejoiced when Mitt Romney chose 42 year old, Congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate. Socialists believed that they could demagogue the Ryan choice because Congressman Ryan, as the House of Representatives Budget Committee Chairman, enacted a common sense budget designed to shrink the size of government over the next ten years to bring down and eventually pay off Obama's $16 Trillion National Debt. In addition, Paul Ryan has been willing to discuss the third rail of politics, Social Security and Medicare by proposing reform measures specific to those under 55 years old to save these programs for future generations. It is important to note that Socialists in Congress have not even passed a budget, a Constitutional requirement, in more than three years. And, all budgets submitted by President Obama, since he was elected have failed to pass in Congress. The reality is that Socialists, led by Obama, have no plan at all to deal with our National Debt or reforming entitlements. Instead, Obama just plays the Class Warfare card and the politics of fear and envy to get his PEEP's to the polls as his only chance of winning reelection. Paul Ryan is the real deal. Ryan is a Common Sense Conservative who is smart, courageous and possesses character that is rare in Washington DC. Paul Ryan continues to state the obvious. The United States cannot go on borrowing 40 cents of every dollar we spend, currently $4 Billion a day, to fund Obama's Socialist Schemes. We have to reduce the size of the federal government, from Obama's current 25% of Gross Domestic Product to no more than 18%, the more traditional level. Paul Ryan proposes to do this over a number of years to prevent a sudden shock to our economy; but it must be done to prevent the bankrupcty of the United States. We have to make Obama a one term President to stop the fiscal insanity. We must elect Mitt Romney the next President of the United States and gain Republican control of Congress in 2012 to get our country back on track. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will restore economic growth and job creation again in America. Obama's vision for America will lead to higher unemployment, more poverty, misery and a lower standard of living for all Americans. We can let that happen. Obama has to go. P.S. To donate to Mitt Romney's campaign, just go on and click on Donate. Once on the page, look for the line that says, I know my Referrers Number, click on that box, type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral Number to make our voices heard. Give as much as you can to take back our country and make Obama a one term President

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

ObamaCare - Just Another Big Union Pay-Off

Have you ever wondered why big unions supported ObamaCare when in fact most union contracts include comprehensive health care already.   Well now we know the answer.  ObamaCare puts government in control of one sixth of the US economy.   And, while unions have shrunk related to manufacturing and industries that have moved overseas,  public employee unions, that are bankrupting our country, have grown considerably in the last 30 years.   Socialist President Obama has long ties to SEIU, the Service Employees International Union and the AFSCME, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Union.   In fact, they along with the Teachers Unions own Obama lock, stock and barrel. 

While Obama gave major unions a waiver related to ObamaCare, that will increase the cost of ObamaCare by $120 Billion by promising not to tax their Cadillac health care benefits for 7 years, in exchange. the Unions are getting access to 21 million health care workers as a result of the federal government take over of our national health care system.  This will mean Billions of dollars in annual dues going to corrupt public employee unions that will then turn right around and support Socialist candidates for election in their incestuous relationship.   ObamaCare was never about health care.   It is all about govenrment control, higher taxes and unionization of our health care system.

As such, we not only need to Repeal ObamaCare because it will destroy our health care system in the United States, we need to Repeal this monstrosity to prevent a Union monopoly that will control life and death decisions and further bankrupt our country.   Go to see the movie 2016 to better understand Obama's mission to "transform" our country into a Socialist nation.  We have to make Obama a one term President to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our childrena and grandchildren.  Obama is a clear and present danger to our nation like any foreign enemy we have ever faced.  In many ways, Obama is even more dangerous because he comes with a nice smile and personality able to dupe Americans into thinking he has their best interest at heart. 

Instead, Obama seeks to redistribute income not only within the United States; but outside the United States to third world countries.   The end result will be more poverty, misery and a lower standard of living for all Americans.   We can't let this happen.   We must elect Mitt Romney the next President of the United States and gain Republican control of Congress to get our country back on track and to restore economic growth and job creation once again in America.  Our freedom, well being and prosperity depends on it. 

P.S.  To donate to Mitt Romney's campaign to make Obama a one term President, just go to and click on Donate.  Once on that page, look for the line that says, I know my Referrers Number, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral Number to make our voices heard.   Give as much as you can to take back our country and prevent the unionization of our health care system. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

National Freedom Forum - Now On Radio

This Blogger is pleased to report that the National Freedom Forum is now broadcasting on 99.1 Fox News in Nevada.  Nationally, we will be posting my 30 minute weekly topical broadcasts on my Blog Site and making this radio show available through the America Matters program that goes out to many Fox News affiliates across the country.   Of course, I will stay true to my conservative thinking and values as we highlight the issues of the day, very often with knowledgeable guests each week.   While I make my living from my day job running my global company, the good news is that we are attracting sponsors that support freedom to cover the costs of my broadcasts.  More are always welcome to allow us to do even more broadcasts.   

We have to take back our country and to make it happen, we must educate our fellow Americans to better understand the importance of free market capitalism, limited Constitutional government and fiscal responsibility.  We cannot go on borrowing $4 billion every day to fund President Obama's Socialist Schemes and annual Trillion dollar plus deficits with no end in sight if Obama is reelected.  We have to stop the fiscal insanity and soon to prevent the bankruptcy of the United States.  Obama used the Internet to win in 2008 and now we will use the Internet and in my case radio to help make Obama a one term President for the good of our country.

Three years after founding the National Freedom Forum, we now have readers in 49 states and 26 countries.  More than 50,000 people are coming on to this site every day and when they like what they read, they are forwarding my message on to their friends, family, neighbors and co-workers.   With the multiplier effect, we are getting to hundreds of thousands of people every day and millions every month as right minded Americans spread the good word to promote Conservative thinking in America. 

This Blogger is a Common Sense Conservative advancing ideas to restore economic growth and job creation again in America.   I know what it takes to build a business and Yes with the help of many talented employees, I did make it happen, contrary to Obama's assertion, inspite of government and not because of it.  While economic growth again, most assuredly would be good for my business and all business in the United States,  my concern is for our sons and my eventual grandchildren that will not know the America of our Founding Fathers if we don't roll back the 100 years of Socialist Creep that is bankrupting our country. 

While I have voted for Conservatives since Ronald Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter and donated money to Conservative campaigns over the years,  it was Socialist President Obama and the threat that he represents to our freedom, our country and our people that caused me to become an active voice for a return to Common Sense in our country.   

We must elect Mitt Romney, a decent, experienced and smart man, the next President of the United States and further we must gain Republican control of both Houses of Congress to get our country back on track.  We must make Obama a one term President to prevent him from "transforming" our country into a Socialist nation that would cause more poverty, misery and lower standard of living for all Americans.   Obama's America is not the America I want to leave to our sons and eventual grandchildren.   So, listen to my radio shows and introduce all you know to the National Freedom Forum to get the straight scoop on the issues of the day. 

P.S.  To donate to Mitt Romney's campaign to make Obama a one term President, just go to and click on Donate.   Once on that page, look for the line that says, I know my Referrers number, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral Number to make our voices heard.  Give as much as you can to take back our country.   

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Romney's Shop At Costco

In a recent interview on Fox News of Mitt and Ann Romney, they indicated that they regularly shop at Costco, this Blogger's favorite store.   Mrs. Romney said that she has a system when she enters the store by first going down all the outer aisles to do her shopping.   In fact,  Ann Romney mentioned that she bought her husband some Kirkland Brand Costco shirts, which was acknowledged by Mitt Romney.   In addition, we learned that the Romney's do not have permanent household help to manage a big summer home and further that Mitt Romney does laundry and ironed his own shirt that very morning. 

While arugula eating Socialist President Obama is trying to portray Mitt Romney as a greedy, rich, tax cheat, capitalist, it is pretty clear that the Romney's have down home values that probably come from their Mormon religion.  And, while they obviously can afford full time household help, when their large family of five sons and wives with 18 grandchildren visit each year for their annual family reunion, they use a chore wheel to determine who does the cleaning on each day.   Tasks are distributed to all family members demonstrating incredible organizational and management skills.   All of this occurs because Mormons are taught to be self reliant in keeping with Mormon history.

I wonder if Michelle or Barack Obama have ever been to a Costco.  I doubt it.  In addition, it has been reported that Michelle Obama has a staff of about 24 people just to attend to her needs and wants at taxpayer expense.   Let's not forget that the Obama's are millionaires too; just not as rich as the Romney's.   And, while the Romney's did a great job raising five sons, the Obama's only have two daughters to raise, which by comparison must be much easier.   This Blogger and his wife had two sons.  Based on our personal experience, it is hard to imagine what it must have been like for Ann Romney to raise five sons, particularly since she suffers from Multiple Sclerosis and has also dealt with Breast Cancer some year ago.   When asked how she did it, Mrs. Romney confided that her husband Mitt was always by her side doing the grocery shopping, cooking dinner etc. to help deal with family responsibilities.   I wonder if Barack Obama has ever cooked dinner. 

The Romney's are really good people that would be a great role model for us all, which makes Socialist President Obama's Chicago style campaign that much more sleazy.   It is one thing to disagree on policy related issues, but to try to paint Mitt Romney as some evil, greedy, tax cheat, felon, who was responsible for the death of woman dying from cancer, is just plain outrageous.   Mitt Romney donated his inheritance from his parents to charity because he was determined to make it on his own.   Mitt Romney is a very honorable man who has accomplished great things with his family, in business, at the Olympics and while serving as Governor of Massachusetts.   In addition to paying millions of dollars in taxes, in accordance with the law, the Romney's give millions away each year to charity. 

Socialist President Obama, by contrast, has accomplished nothing of significance in his life, except perhaps fathering two, attractive, smart daughters.   Obama's lack of experience is the reason he has been a complete failure in office.   We need to elect Mitt Romney, the next President of the United States, not just because he is a good man; but because he has the experience needed to restore economic growth and job creation again in America.   The Obama's are out of touch with the American people.   Obama's ego is so big and overly inflated that it is impossible for him to admit his failures.   We have to make Obama a one term President.   We can do it.   We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.  The Romney's shop at Costco, which says a whole lot about them. 

P.S.  To donate to Mitt Romney's campaign to make Obama a one term President, just go to and click on Donate.   Once on that page, look for the line that says, I know my Referrers Information, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral Number, to make our voices heard.  Give as much as you can to take back our country.   See you at Costco.     

Saturday, August 25, 2012

2016 - See The Movie Now

This Blogger has been sounding alarm bells about Socialist President Obama for more than three years.  Now, there is a definitive movie that makes the case against Obama better than anything anyone can say.  All should go and see 2016 and bring as many of your friends and relatives, especially previous Obama voters, to this eye opening documentary movie that chronicles Obama's life and family.   It does not matter where Obama was born, Obama does share American Values and certainly does not support the free market capitalist country created by our Founding Fathers.   Instead, Obama was shaped, from a very young age by Communist and Socialist mentors, including Professors at the universities Obama attended and his Minister for over 20 years.   These characters hate the America that we love and so does Obama.

When Obama talks about "transforming" our nation, he is talking about making America a Socialist country; but in addition a much weaker country.   Obama is doing everything he can to cut our nuclear arsenal down and downsize our military.  It is no accident that Obama confided to the former Russian President, heard on an open microphone, that after his reelection he could give the
Russians what they want, which is a weaker America.  All should remember that one of the first things Obama did when coming into office was to eliminate the missile defense system that was supposed to go into Poland and the Czech Republic, unilaterally, without getting anything in return from the Russians. 

Obama wants to transfer wealth from the United States to the third world, which will result in higher poverty and a lower standard of living for all Americans.   Obama won't allow oil drilling in America; but has given billions of dollars to Brazil and other countries so that they can exploit their natural resources.  Obama's thinking emanates from what Obama learned from his Socialist and Communist Mentors and an idealized view of his father from Kenya that Obama saw as abused by colonial Britain.  

Actually, Barack Obama senior was a drunk and a bigamist who abandoned both young Obama when he was child and his mother in Hawaii.  In fact, when Obama's father married his mother, Barack Obama senior was already married to a woman in Africa.  Obama's father was a low level government administrator in Kenya, a polygamist and a wife beater, who fathered many children by various women around the world.   Obama did not really even know his father before encountering him at 10 years old during a visit to Hawaii; yet he worshiped his father based on the image created by his mother.  Obama did not learn the truth about his father until a half sister visited him in New York years later.  Obama's American mother and grandfather were Socialists that saw to it that Obama was trained in left wing Socialist ideology. 

Socialist President Obama is a clear and present danger to our nation as bad as any external enemy we have ever faced.  Obama is not an old line left wing Democrat; but rather a Socialist who is out to intentionally bankrupt our country in order to cause the financial collapse of nation.  In doing so,  in a second term, Obama will use his "emergency powers" by Executive Order to eliminate the freedoms in our Constitution in order to grow government even bigger.   If Obama is reelected, we will experience George Orwell's Big Brother and he will be Barack Obama.  

Anyone who thinks this is alarmist should just consider what has happened in this Obama's first term.  ObamaCare, which impacts our national health care system, amounts to a government take over of one sixth of the US economy.   This is Communism.  Obama has been giving billions of dollars to "government approved" industries.  This is the Chinese Communist system, not free market capitalism.  And, Obama has used Executive Orders to simply ignore the Constitution and the laws of our country.   The latest example is instructing Border Patrol officers to simply ignore immigration laws.   In fact, even the Border Patrol Union has gone public related to violation of the law that Obama has ordered.  Some Border Patrol Agents are actually suing the federal government to demand enforcement under the law. 

At the end of the movie, 2016, the audience applauded, which is rare for a movie.  The case against Obama made in this movie is so compelling that all should see it Now.   We have to make Obama a one term President to prevent Obama's vision for America from ever happening.  Obama may have been born in the United States; but Obama is not an American.   We must elect Mitt Romney, the next President of the United States and gain Republican control of both Houses of Congress to get our country back our track to prevent the bankruptcy of our nation and restore economic growth and job creation again in America.

We can do it.   We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.   Just go to see the movie 2016 to better understand why 2012 is the most important election in many decades.  Barack Obama is a Socialist, unlike any other President in our history, who hates America as chronicled in the movie, in keeping with is life long training.   We have to make Obama a one term President.  Our nation depends on it. 

P.S.  To donate to Mitt Romney's campaign, just go to and click on Donate.  Once on that page, look for the line that says, I know my Referrers Information, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral Number to make our voices heard.  Give as much as you can to sweep these Socialists at all levels of government, including President Obama, out of office, to take back our country. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Obama's Politics - Blame, Fear & Divide

Socialist President Obama ran on Hope and Change in 2008.   That was before he had a record of failure so that today Obama has nothing to run on for reelection.   So instead, Obama's politics for 2012 revolve around the concepts of Blame, Fear and Divide.   Obamanistas take no responsibility for the dismal economy we face even though we were told that if we borrowed and spent a Trillion Dollars on Obama's SwindleUS Plans that unemployment today would be below 6%.   The fact that unemployment has been above 8% for 43 straight months is blamed on everyone and everything; but Obama.   Let me see, we have heard that Bush II is responsible.   Then it was the earthquake in Japan.  Now it is the financial calamity in Europe that is causing our economic mess.  

Well, Mr. President, a famous old Democrat, Harry Truman once said "The Buck Stops Here" referring to himself as President of the United States.   Further, even though Ronald Reagan inherited a terrible economy from Jimmy Carter and 10% unemployment, equally as bad as the one Obama inherited, this Blogger does not recall Reagan whining and blaming anyone for the mess he inherited.  Instead, Reagan took the bull by the horns, cut taxes and regulations and put a model in place that resulted in the creation of 20 million new jobs right into the Clinton Presidency. 

If Obama is not blaming someone else, or something else for his failure,  Obama is attempting to win the election by scaring the hell out of people.   Socialists are telling Senior Citizens that Republicans want to end their Social Security and Medicare "as we know it".   The fact that both these programs are headed toward insolvency, unless reformed,  is never discussed by Socialists; but then we don't want to confuse anyone with the facts.   The reality is that Republicans are out to save these programs for future generations with innovative ideas.   And, under no circumstances are Republicans proposing to change Social Security, or Medicare for anyone over 55 years old.   So, like the Nazi Propagandists that practiced Big Lie Politics, Obama is doing the same thing. 

Obama goes around screaming that Republicans favor starving poor children, ending student loans, allowing dirty air and water, throwing granny over a cliff and higher taxes for the Middle Class; again all lies.   Since Obama cannot run on his failed record,  he must scare people into voting for him.   And, at the same time, Obama is attempting to smear Mitt Romney, who is really a Boy Scout.  Obamanistas raise concerns that Mitt Romney has not paid enough in taxes, when in fact two years of tax returns show that he has paid millions of dollars each year in taxes in accordance with the law.    

Romney has effectively been running for President for eight years.   Does anyone really believe that this Boy Scout, that donates millions of dollars each year to his church and various charities, would violate federal law related to the income taxes that he owes.    Further, Romney was one of the founders of Bain Capital, a globally recognized terrific company, even acknowledged as such by President Clinton, that helped found Staples, Sports Authority and many other firms creating thousands of jobs.  Obama's attempt to smear Romney is just plain dirty politics and disgusting with no basis in fact. 

Finally again, since Obama has no record of success to run on, he is seeking to divide our country into the Takers, his PEEP's on the dole, one way or another, and the Makers, the 50% of us that pay all the income taxes in our country.   Obama demonizes success when he says,  "You did not build that" to small business owners.  The very notion that Obama tells people earning $250,000 or more, including a million small businesses, that they have not "paid their fair share" of taxes when it is this group that pays 70% of the income taxes in the US is outrageous. 

In addition to playing the Class Warfare game,  Obama plays interest group politics to divide our nation, like no other President in American history.  We are not Americans to Obama, instead we are people on Welfare and Food Stamps, GAY's, Illegal Aliens, women seeking abortions and birth control, public employee and other union members,  trial lawyers, radical environmentalists and crony capitalists.   In order to gain votes, Obama speaks to each of these constituencies, while he divides our country pitting one group against another.   The only problem is that this President, who said in 2008 that he wanted to unify our country,  if he does win reelection, will find it impossible to govern because these wounds will not heal.  

Instead of Obama's sleazy politics of Blame, Fear and Divide, we must take back our country by electing Mitt Romney the next President of the United States and gaining Republican control of both Houses of Congress to prevent the bankruptcy of the United States and get our country back on track.   We need a President for all Americans, not one focused on interest group politics.   We need a President who understands that a rising tide lift all boats, not one like Obama who wants to sink some boats to elevate others.   We need to elect Mitt Romney the next President of the United States to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren. 

P.S.  To donate to Mitt Romney's campaign to make Obama a one term President, just go to and click on Donate.   Once on that page, look for the line that says, I know my Referrers Information, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral Number to make our voices heard.  Give as much as you can to take back our country.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

US Middle Class & The Lost Decade

A recent Pew Research Study indicates that the Middle Class, defined as families earning between $39,000 and $118,000, has been in decline for the last 10 or more years.  Many are calling it the Lost Decade.  Median income from 2000 to 2010 has fallen from about $72,000 to $69,000, which when adjusted for inflation indicates a real drop in earnings.   In addition, on average, the Middle Class has lost about 39% of their net worth since Obama was elected President as a result of a loss in home value.  While the top 10%, presumably the well educated with job skills that are both marketable and valuable, have seen incomes rise, the bottom 90%, those with little or no education and minimal job skills have fallen behind. 

Of course, President Obama and his Socialist pals in government will draw the wrong conclusion from this data seeking to play the Class Warfare game by blaming the "rich", big corporations, Wall Street, Banks etc. etc. for the decline of the Middle Class in America.   In fact, the poor in America are not poor because the rich are rich, they are poor because they lack education and marketable job skills.   The unemployment rate among those with college degrees is only about 4%.   Most of the 23 million unemployed, under employed working part time that want full time work, or that have just given up looking for work altogether are Americans with little or no education, or marketable job skills.  It is what it is. 

The reality is that all Americans, in every job, face global competition today made possible by the Internet and the free flow of information that alllows work to be done from almost anywhere on earth.   It addition, technology like robotics, has made it possible to do more factory work with fewer employees and that is ultimately true everywhere in the world.   And,  the US federal government is a big part of the problem, rather than the solution.   The US now has the highest corporate income tax rate in the world making is cost effective to move jobs to lower cost countries.  In addition, unions and thousands of regulations have made it impossible to manufacture many items in the US.   Those jobs are now in China and other countries. 

Further, the Environmental Protection Agency has driven up the cost of all types of energy, which has increased the cost of manufacturing in the US, the likely employers of Americans, with little or no education.  In other words,  the decline of the Middle Class in the US is no accident.   It has occurred through a confluence of events and circumstances, many that we can control, with the right pro growth government economic policy in place.

In addition, the Decline of the Middle Class coincides with the decline of our Public Schools, brought about by teacher unions that refuse to allow meaningful education reform.  The fact that any kid would leave high school, either as a drop out, or without any marketable job skill is downright criminal.   Yet, it is happening by the millions every year.   If the Middle Class is to rebound, we have to get our country back on track through common sense government policies that will once again restore economic growth and job creation again in America. 

This will not happen as long as Socialists remain if office, which is a primary reason, we must sweep Socialists at all levels of government, including President Obama, out of office in 2012 and 2014.  They are all job killers seeking to make people dependent on government to stay in office.  In that sense, Socialists are destructive of our country.   We have to roll back 100 years of Socialist Creep to recreate an Opportunity Society.   We must become energy independent in the next 20 years to provide for cheap, clean energy by using all of our natural resources, rather than buying oil from the Middle East and other countries.   This alone will create 3 million good paying, often union jobs, to bolster the Middle Class.   We have to take back our country in 2012 and 2014, not just to stop the decline of the Middle Class; but to end the misery, poverty and lower standard of living caused by Obama's Socialist Schemes. 

We can do it.  We must do it preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.   We must elect Mitt Romney, the next President of the United States and gain Republican control of both Houses of Congress to prevent the bankruptcy of the United States and get our country back on track.  We must do it for the Middle Class and for all Americans. 

P.S.  To donate to Mitt Romney's campaign to make Obama a one term President, just go to and click on Donate.  Once on the page, look for the line that says, I know my Referrers Information, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral Number to make our voices heard.  Give as much as you can to take back our country. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Congressional Budget Office Dire Warning

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office issued a dire warning if the Bush Tax Cuts are not extended and soon.  In their gloomiest assessment yet, the CBO stated that we will see unemployment rise to more than 9.1 with the loss of two million jobs causing a severe Recession.  Other sources estimate that three million jobs will be lost if all income tax rates revert to Clinton era rates.  We face a Fiscal Cliff as the Bush Tax Cuts will expire as of December 31 along with the Payroll Tax Holiday.  In addition, we will shortly hit the $16.3 Trillion National Debt Ceiling, since Obama is borrowing $4 Billion a day to fund his Trillion Dollar Plus annual deficits. 

At the same time, Socialist President Obama is calling for a tax increase on "rich" Americans earning more than $250,000 a year.  Of course, on the campaign trail Liar Obama speaks of raising taxes on "millionaires and billionaires".   That last time this Blogger studied math, $250,000 is not a million, or billion dollars.  Instead, this tax increase will impact about a million small businesses that employ the majority of Americans.   A tax increase on small business will be a job killer as predicted by the Congressional Budget Office.   

We face a Fiscal Cliff; yet the President has been Missing In Action for more than a year attending more than 200 campaign fund raisers.  Obama has not held a Cabinet Meeting, or a  meeting with his Jobs Council in about a year.   The only thing Obama has focused on for the last 12 months is raising money for his reelection campaign.  So while 23 million Americans are either unemployed, under employed working part time that want full time work, or they have just given up looking for work altogether, as a result of Obama's failed economic policy, the President has been AWOL (Absent Without Leave). 

Socialist President Obama has failed to restore economic growth, or job creation again in America.  Obama told us early on that if he did not get the economy back on track, his Presidency would be a one term proposition.   Obama was right.   We need to make Obama a one term President to get our country back on track.  We must sweep Socialists, at all levels of government, including President Obama, out of office in 2012 and 2014.   We must elect Mitt Romney, the next President of the United States and gain complete Republican control of both Houses of the Congress.  It is the only way to restore economic growth and job creation again in America.  

We just can't let the Congressional Budget Office prediction come true because it will mean more poverty, misery and a lower standard of living for the American people.  We must take back our country in 2012 and 2014.  We can do it.  We must do it preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life.   We must send Obama and his Socialist pals in Congress packing.  So get out your check book and donate money to Romney's campaign, along with Conservative candidates running for Congress.  Do it for your kids and grand kids. 

P.S.  To donate to Mitt Romney's campaign to make Obama a one term President, just go to and click on Donate.  Once on the page, look for the line that says, I know my Referrers number, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral Number to make our voices heard.  Give as much as you can to take back our country. 

Obama's Vision For America - Misery and Poverty

Socialist President Obama may have been born in the United States; but his thinking was shaped by Socialists, Communists and a radical minister who preached hate and liberation theology.   Obama's exposure to these characters is the reason he does not think like any other American President, Democrat or Republican, we have ever had in our history.   When Obama recently said of American small businessmen, "You did not build it", the President not only demonstrated his lack of real world experience, Obama also exhibited his disdain and lack of understanding of free market capitalism and the American Dream.  

70% of Americans work for small businesses, built by entrepreneurs, willing to risk it all and work 7/24 to build their businesses.   Government is usually an impediment to business success, not the cause of business success, as portended by Obama.   And, the road and bridges used by business in the normal course of doing business were not provided by government; but rather paid for by those very business owners that Obama continues to demonize.  

Obama does not believe; nor support the concept of American Exceptionalism.  It is important to note that Obama never speaks of the greatness of our Founding Fathers, who he believes fostered slavery, when they constructed the US Constitution.   In fact, Obama sees the Constitution as an impediment to his goal to "transform" America into a Socialist nation as evidenced by all of Obama's Executive Orders designed to get around the Constitution and the notion of limited government.  Obama believes in redistribution of income to "share the wealth", hence the reason he continues to call for higher taxes on the "rich" that already pay most of the taxes in the United States.  When Obama says the "rich" do not pay their fair share, he is just plain lying because the top 10% of income earners pay 70% of all income taxes, while the bottom 50%, his PEEP's, pay none.  

Obama wants to see more people dependent on the federal government for food, housing and medical care because he assumes they then will vote for Socialists like him.  Government dependency is the Socialist ticket to power.   As a result, Obama has made it easier for his PEEP's to get Food Stamps, Medicaid, Welfare and Disability benefits.  So much so that more than 100 million Americans are now on the dole.  This is all intentional.  The poverty rate is higher today than when Bush II was in office.  Women in particular have really been hurt by the Obama Economy so in fact it is Socialists that have implemented a War On Women, not Republicans.    

Obama's rigid left wing Socialist ideology and Vision For America is the road to poverty, misery, a lower standard of living for all Americans and a loss of our freedom.   This is the reason we must sweep Socialists, at all levels of government, including President Obama out of office in 2012 and 2014.  In doing so, we must elect Common Sense Conservatives to get our country back our track as the only way to restore economic growth and job creation again in America.  We must elect Mitt Romney, the next President of the United States and gain Republican control of both Houses of Congress to prevent the bankruptcy of the United States and to take back our country. 

We can do it.   We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.  Obama's foreign Vision For America is not our vision.   Nor does Obama represent the values and beliefs of the majority of the American people.  We have to make Obama a one term President to stop the transformation of our nation in Obama's image, which reflects Socialist and Communist ideology.   In history, we have seen the end of that story and it is ugly.    

P.S.  To donate to Mitt Romney's campaign to make Obama a one term President, just go to and click on Donate.   Once on that page, look for the line that says, I know my Referrers information, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral Number to make our voices heard.  Give as much as you can to take back our country.       

Monday, August 20, 2012

Hit The Road Barack - Why We Need A New President

In a striking cover page article entitled Hit The Road Barack, Why We Need A New President, written by Niall Ferguson, a Harvard Professor and published by Newsweek, a left wing magazine,  the writer makes the powerful case for making Obama a one term President.  And, it is a convincing case based on numbers and facts, not Socialist emotion and Obamaloney.  Ferguson faults Obama for failing to deliver on many of his promises; but it is the numbers that are startling.   While President Obama said the "private sector was doing just fine", the fact is that there are 4.3 million fewer jobs in the private sector than existed prior to January, 2008.  Meanwhile since 2008, 3.6 million Americans have been added to the dole, as these people are now in the Social Security's Disability Insurance Program.   This is one of many reasons unemployment numbers are phony.  Unemployment is actually much higher than is being reported. 

While President Obama predicted Gross Domestic Product Growth of 3 - 5% as a result of his borrowing and deficit spending Trillion Dollars SwindleUS Plans, GDP Growth is averaging 1.8% to 2.4%, not nearly enough to restore economic growth, or job creation again in America.  According to Obamanistas, unemployment was supposed to be 6% by now when in fact unemployment has been above 8% for 42 straight months.  Real median household income has dropped more than 5% since June, 2009.  And, nearly 110 million Americans are now receiving Welfare benefits, mostly Medicaid and Food Stamps, up more than 40%, since Obama was elected.  This is happening because the poverty rate is higher today than when Bush II was President.  50% of Americans pay no income taxes at all while the Obama National Debt, currently at $16 Trillion, continues to grow with no end in sight.  Finally, ObamaCare, the President's signature legislation, hated by the majority of the American people, is actually causing the cost of health insurance to go up, rather than go down as was promised by Obama and his Socialist pals in Congress.  

All of the numbers are dismal as pointed out by Niall Ferguson, which is the reason we must sweep Socialists at all levels of government, including President Obama, out of office in 2012 and 2014.  To get our country back on track, we must elect Mitt Romney the next President of the United States and gain Republican control of both Houses of Congress.  It is the only way to restore economic growth, prosperity and job creation in America.   As Niall Ferguson said in his article, it is time for all of us to say to the President, Hit The Road Barack.   Our freedom, our nation and way of life require that we make Obama a one term President.   We can do it.  We must do it for the sake of our children and grandchildren.  Ferguson got it right.   We need a new President in 2013.  

P.S.  To donate to Mitt Romney's campaign, just go to and click on Donate.  Once on the page look for the line that says, I know my Referrers Number, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral Number to make our voices heard.  Give as much as you can to take back our country and tell the President to Hit The Road Barack.      

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Winning The 2012 Election Trifecta

The only way to restore economic growth, prosperity and job creation again in America is for Republicans to win the Presidency and both Houses of Congress in 2012.   And, while we must elect Mitt Romney, the next President of the United States to make Obama a one term President, we must also focus on the retaining the House of Representatives and gaining Republican control of the US Senate.   To win the 2012 Election Trifecta, we must sweep Socialists at all levels of government out of office. 

While Republicans are likely to hold the House of Representatives, we must gain at least five seats in the US Senate to make do nothing Socialist Senator Dirty Harry Reid, the former Majority Leader of the US Senate.   By the time Obama completes his first term in office, the Congress will have enacted not one budget in four years, in violation of the US Constitution, as a result of Reid's failed, corrupt leadership.  The Senate has not only rejected the budgets enacted by the Republican led House of Representatives,  not one single Socialist in the Senate has voted for any budget submitted by President Obama.   The Obama/Reid/Pelosi Socialist leadership has been running the federal government by continuing resolutions just adding to the previous year's spending by borrowing $4 Billion every day to fund all of their Socialist Schemes. 

It has to stop.   We must end this fiscal insanity that is bankrupting our country by winning the 2012 Election Trifecta when we elect Mitt Romney as our next President and gain complete Republican control of Congress.   So while all responsible Americans should donate as much money as possible to make Mitt Romney our next President, we must also donate monies to support Congressional and Senate candidates in our respective states.   The only way to REPEAL ObamaCare and get our country back on track is to win the Republican Trifecta in 2012, so get your check book to make it happen.   

P.S.  To donate to Mitt Romney's campaign to make Obama a one term President, just go to and click on Donate.   Once on that page, look for the line that says, I know my Referrers Information, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral Number to make our voices heard.  Give as much as you can to the Romney campaign and your local Congressional and Senate Candidates to help us win the 2012 Election Trifecta to take back our country.    

Creating An Opportunity Society

In order to create an Opportunity Society, we must roll back 100 years of Socialist Creep that is bankrupting our country.   The election of 2012 is a crossroad for the American people.   We are either going to elect Mitt Romney, who is committed to limited government and an Opportunity Society.  Or, Socialist President Obama will be reelected and he will continue his drive to "transform" America into a big intrusive government, Socialist nation with more and more people dependent on government for their food and housing.  If we go down the Socialist road, it will be at the cost of our freedom.   If Obama is reelected, we will see perpetually high unemployment, a higher poverty rate and a lower standard of living for all Americans.  That is the European story and there is no reason to believe that it will not become the American story if Obama is reelected.   We can't let that happen. 

Instead, we must recreate an Opportunity Society.   The place to start is our failing public schools.   We must get back to basics in our public schools and make sure that all students are either college bound, or that they leave high school with a marketable job skill.   Today, most of the money going into public schools is going to pay teachers and administrators high salaries and unsustainable pensions.  Obama and his Socialist pals in government want to continue this road to failure.   Instead, we must end collective bargaining for all public employees that is bankrupting our states and in the case of public education put kids first.  We have to stop all the politically correct curriculum and make sure kids learn to read, write and do math.  Kids and parents in failing schools must be given the option of School Choice and vouchers to get their kids into performing private schools.   We need to end teacher tenure so that poor teachers can be FIRED.   We need merit pay for excellent teachers to reward success.   In other words, we need major education reform that will never happen as long as Socialists, owned lock, stock and barrel by teacher unions, remain in office.  

Next, we must roll back years of Socialist regulations that are strangling our economy.   Obama's Environmental Protection Agency, a job killer and the Gestapo, must be turned into the Environmental Solutions Agency to work with business to find ways to do business without polluting our air and water.  This means a whole new approach to dealing with the environment.   A new ESA should be run by can do people, rather than can don't people.   There are thousands of other regulations, including 11,000 more imposed by Obama's Executive Orders, that are killing jobs and making it difficult to do business in America.  All of these regulations have to be eliminated to unleash the engine and talent in our economy.  

Finally, energy is the key to economic growth and job creation in America.   We must implement a 50 year plan to make the United States energy independent.  That means an all of the above plan that includes more oil drilling, oil and gas shale, natural gas, clean coal, nuclear energy, bio fuels and wind and solar power, when they are economically feasible.   This would not only create millions of jobs, our goal must be cheaper, cleaner energy to bring down the cost of energy, which is both key to manufacturing in America and a higher standard of living for the American people. 

We need major tax reform to grow our economy.  The United States now has the highest corporate income tax rate in the world at 35% federal and averaging 6% state.   This encourages American companies to push more jobs overseas.   Our federal corporate income tax rate should be no higher than 20% to encourage American companies to keep more jobs in the US.   And, we need a flatter, fairer personal income tax code.  Instead of raising taxes on small businesses, Obama's plan, we must lower income taxes for everyone by eliminating loop holes and all by charitable deductions.  

Most important, to create an Opportunity Society, we must bring down dependence on the federal government.  Obviously, only those that are mentally or physically disabled should be on Disability benefits.   Those that can work; but won't work should not be provided Welfare.  Entitlements must be reformed, both to save Medicare and Social Security and to prevent the bankruptcy of our country.   If we do all these things and get back to limited government as was intended by our Founding Fathers, we will see significant economic growth and job creation again in America as we focus on building an Opportunity Society, rather than Obama's big government Dependency Society.  

None of this will happen if Obama and his Socialist pals in government are reelected in 2012 and 2014, which is the reason we must sweep them all out of office in 2012 and 2014.   Instead, we must elect Mitt Romney that next President of the United States and gain Republican control of both Houses of Congress to get our country back our track.   We must focus on building an Opportunity Society, rather than Obama's Socialist Dependency Society.   We can do it.  We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.  We have to make Obama a one term President to get the job done.  It will not happen any other way.   

P.S.  To donate to Mitt Romney's campaign, just go to and click on Donate.  Once on that page, look for the line that says, I know my Referrers Number, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral Number to make our voices heard.  Give as much as you can to take back our country.         

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Obama Running Scared - The Numbers Are Ugly

Word on the street is that Obamanistas offered the Vice Presidency to Hillary Clinton in July and she declined the offer. As unemployment has risen in 44 states, it is no wonder that a desperate Obama wants to dump Joe Biden in an attempt to energize the base of the Socialist Party. And, Obama's campaign operatives are scared to death of a handsome and smart Paul Ryan, the Republican nominee for Vice President, who is likely to make Biden look old and incompetent in their debate in September. All the numbers are running against Obama so he is running scared. Obama said in his first year in office that if he could not turn the economy around he would be a one term President. And, sure enough that is exactly what will happen in November.

Rasmussen Polls, the most reliable, of likely voters are showing Romney ahead, or tied in many swing states. Any state that is close, or tied is likely to break for Romney rather than Obama as has occurred in past elections when the incumbent was in trouble. Obama is in big trouble; but it should be no surprise. Unemployment above 8% for more than 42 straight months is a key indicator. No President has been reelected with such dismal numbers. 23 million Americans are either unemployed, under employed working part time that want fully time work, or they have just given up looking for work altogether. The poverty rate is higher today than when Bush II was in office. 46 million Americans are on Food Stamps, up 26 million since Obama was elected. 9 million Americans are collecting Disability benefits, up 1 million since Obama took office. The foreclosure rate is the highest in American history. The price of gas, rising again, is double what it was when Bush II left office.

Most important, Obama has added $5 Trillion to our $16 Trillion National Debt, more than any other President in American history, with no end in sight. We face the fiscal cliff by year end as the Bush Tax Cuts will expire, the Social Security tax holiday will end and we will once again hit the Debt ceiling. If the Bush Tax Cuts are not extended it will cost 3 million jobs. If Obama gets his way and taxes are raised on those making more than $250,000, including a million small businesses, it will cost 700,000 jobs.

To get our country back on track, we must sweep these Socialists, that are bankrupting our country, at all levels of government, including President Obama out of office in 2012 and 2014. We must elect Mitt Romney the next President of the United States and gain Republican control of both Houses of Congress. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren. In the mean time, expect a desperate Obama to say, or do anything to remain in office. Remember, Socialists will lie, cheat or steal to say in office feeding at the trough. Obama, a desperate Socialist, is likely to do all three in an attempt to win reelection.

P.S. To donate to Mitt Romney's campaign to make Obama a one term President, go to and click on Donate. Once there look for the line that says, I know my Referrers Information, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral Number to make our voices heard. Give as much as you can to take back our country.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Obama's Hate Campaign Results In A Shooting

Socialist President Obama's Hate Campaign has resulted in a shooting.   The Southern Poverty Law Center and other left wing groups, including Gay and Lesbian Groups have labeled the Family Research Council, a Conservative organization supporting traditional marriage, as a "hate group".  As such, recently a guard at the FRC, defending the organization, was shot and wounded by a gay activist.  It is time for Obamanistas to condemn these left wing organizations that continue to attack various people, companies and groups, including Christians, simply because they support traditional marriage between a man and a woman.   The lame stream, left wing media is not making a big issue of this shooting because in this case it was a left wing radical that committed the crime.  Go figure. 

Of course, Obama will never do it because these are his PEEP's necessary for campaign contributions, votes and reelection.   It is not enough just to condemn the shooting, Obama should call out these groups, by name and tell them to stop using "hate speech" that results in violence.   These radical groups have declared war on the traditional family and many Christians, Jews and Moslems that hold traditional religious beliefs.   It has to stop.

We have to take back our country in 2012 and 2014 to support the traditional family, which is the foundation of our nation.   This does not mean attacking Gays and Lesbians for their beliefs; but rather standing up for our beliefs and freedom of speech.   The Socialist Party Platform, under President Obama's leadership, or lack thereof,  is now in support of Gay Marriage, which is an attack on traditional marriage.   And, while this Blogger can support civil unions,  the word marriage should be reserved for a man and a woman, as has been the case for more than 6,000 years.

We must elect Mitt Romney as the next President of the United States and gain Republican control of both Houses of Congress to protect the traditional American family.   We can do it.   We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life.   This does not mean hating, or discriminating against anyone.  Neither does it mean forfeiting our rights.  In the mean time, it is time for President Obama to stop his hate campaign to prevent more violence in our country.

P.S.  To donate to Mitt Romney's campaign to make Obama a one term President and to protect the American family, go to and click on Donate.  Once on that page, look for the line that says, I know my Referrers number, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral Number to make our voices heard.  Give as much as you can to take back our country. 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Mr. President - Secure The Border

Socialist President Obama effectively used an Executive Order to provide amnesty to the children of illegal aliens in our schools allowing them to get legal status to work in America.   Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona, in accordance with Arizona law, used her Executive Order powers to deny state benefits to these same illegal alien's children because providing  benefits is bankrupting the state of Arizona, on the front line of this issue.  Remember, it was Arizona that was trying to implement federal law to identify illegal aliens for deportation, which Obama has chosen to ignore. 

Mr. President, it is time to use our military to Secure Our Border to prevent illegal aliens, drugs and Terrorists from entering our country.   Obama is so desperate for Latino votes in America, in his corrupt attempt to win reelection,  that he is ignoring federal law requiring capture and deportation of many illegal aliens.   Even the Border Patrol union has come out against Obama's confusing Executive Orders concerning what they are supposed to do when they encounter an illegal alien. 

The fact is that billions of American tax payer dollars are being spent each year to feed, educate, medicate and incarcerate  criminal illegal aliens.   We just cannot afford to be Mexico's welfare system any longer.   Yes, illegal aliens work hard, but when all costs are taken into consideration to support them in our country, the real expense of illegal alien labor is estimated to be more than $20 an hour.   Surely, there are out of work Americans that just might do the same work for $20 an hour. 

It is time to Secure Our Border once and for all and then we can deal with the 12 million illegal aliens in our country by providing some sort of legal status, that does not include amnesty or citizenship.   This Blogger believes that the notion of deportation of 12 million illegal aliens is unrealistic and unworkable so a common sense solution is in order; but not before our border is secured.   President Obama and his Socialists pals in government would like nothing better than to provide these 12 million illegal aliens, that have violated our laws, both a path to citizenship and government dependence to win elections.   That should not happen any time soon. 

We have to take back our country in 2012 and 2014 most importantly to securing our border.   Obama will never make this happen, which is just one more reason we must sweep him and his Socialist pals in government out of office.   We must elect Mitt Romney, the next President of the United States and gain Republican control of the Congress to prevent the bankruptcy of the United States and finally to secure our border.   We can do it.   We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.   In the mean time, Mr. President, SECURE OUR BORDER and stop all the games. 

P.S.  To donate to Mitt Romney, just go on and click on Donate.   Once on that page, look for the line that says, I know my Referrers Information, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral number to make our voices heard.   Give as much as you can to take back our country.  

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Obama's Campaign Of Anger, Hate & Envy

Ronald Reagan was elected President twice by bringing our country together on the basis of his sunny optimism and belief in America.  By the time Reagan left office after two terms, he was still very popular as the Great Communicator.   We can contrast the Reagan Personality with Socialist President Obama.  Though Reagan could have blamed Carter for the terrible economy he inherited,  Reagan took charge on the day he took office and never looked backwards.  Reagan was a leader with considerable business and government experience.  Obama has never been a leader and has no practical experience. 

Obama is a left wing preacher of Anger, Hate and Envy; just like the minister, the Irreverent Wright, that he listened to for years.  Obama preaches Class Warfare because he cannot run on his record of failure.   Obama seeks to blame the "rich", big corporations, Bush II, Europe, Earthquakes, Tsunami's etc. for all his failures.   And, Obama tells the Takers in society, his PEEP's, that their plight in life is the fault of the Makers.  Obama's America is not one of personal responsibility as was Reagan's; but rather one of dependence on government.

We are at a tipping point as about 100 million Americans are now on the dole one way or another.   Obama applauds and encourages government dependence, to gain votes, when in fact it should be shameful.  Yes, we should help the mentally, or physically disabled and senior citizens, or others that cannot care for themselves; though many on the dole can work; but won't.  Many on the dole getting Disability benefits are committing fraud as they paint houses, or do other work on the side earning cash under the table. 

Should Obama win reelection by dividing our country, he will not be able to govern.   The divide Obama is creating between Makers and Takers will be irreparable.   Republicans may in fact gain control of both Houses of Congress in 2012 and 2014.   Hopefully, Mitt Romney will be elected President so that we can get our country back on track.   However, if Obama wins reelection instead, you can bet that a Republican Congress, even more Conservative and full of Tea Party Members, will not go along with more of Obama's Socialist Schemes.   Obama will have no mandate to govern, which will make him the lamest of lame duck Presidents in a second term, which will be very bad for our country. 

We have to take back our country in 2012 and 2014 to sweep all Socialists, including President Obama, out of office.   We cannot live with a President that preaches Anger, Hate and Envy.   Obama has to go.   We must elect Mitt Romney the next President of the United States and gain Republican control of both Houses of Congress.   We can do it.   We must do it to prevent the bankruptcy of the United States and to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.   Preaching Anger, Hate and Envy is no way to run a country. 

P.S.  To donate to Mitt Romney's campaign to make Obama a one term President, just go to and click on Donate.  Once on that page, look for the line that says, I know my Referrers Information, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral Number to make our voices heard.  Give as much as you can to take back our country.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Time To Fix Social Security & Medicare

President Obama and his Socialist pals in Congress have no plan to fix Social Security and Medicare, even though every one admits that there is no "lock box" full of our contributions to pay for these benefits.  Politicians of both political parties have been stealing our money to spend on current government expenditures since 1965, when Lyndon Johnson enacted his Great Society Welfare Programs.   Faced with 75 million Baby Boomers, 10,000 of whom are reaching 65 years old every day, the fact is that both Social Security and Medicare are heading toward insolvency and most of our illustrious elected Socialist Representatives just don't have the courage to deal with it. 

All we hear from President Obama are tax the "rich", those earning more than $250,000 a year, Schemes.   This segment of the population includes about 1 million small businesses, so raising their taxes to fund a bigger, more intrusive government, is a job killer.   In any case, the fact is that if Obama confiscated all wealth in the United States, it would not solve the problems we face with Social Security and Medicare.   It really is time to stop demagoguing this issue, as Socialists liars criticize Paul Ryan and other Republicans, for simply daring to tell the truth.

The Social Security age needs to gradually go up for Americans that are 55 and younger to 70 years old for full benefits because people are living so much longer.  And, rather than means testing, 100% of Social Security benefits should be taxed at regular income tax rates for higher income individuals.  Today, up to 85% is taxed.  Disability Benefits that come out of the Social Security Trust Fund should only be applicable to people who are mentally, or physically disabled, not someone with a pain the neck, or high blood pressure.  Currently, about 9 million Americans are on Disability, up 1 million since Obama took office and many of these people are committing fraud because they are fully capable of working. 

Medicare must be means tested.  It is already happening; but must go further so that everyone, except the poor, are paying up to 50% of the cost of a typical insurance premium.  This monthly payment should be progressive just like our income tax system, which means that presumably, 50% would pay nothing, but the other 50% with assets would pay in accordance with their ability. 

All of this is just common sense, which Socialists are trying to portray as radical.   The reality is that there will be no Social Security, or Medicare benefits for future generations if we don't face these facts and get the job done, particularly related to those that are 55 and younger today.  Instead, we will see ads showing Republicans throwing granny over a cliff.   It is just plain pathetic; but not unusual because Socialists will lie, cheat, or steal to stay in office. 

About 100 million Americans are now on the dole, receiving some kind of government assistance, way up since Obama took office, since he has made it easier for people to get entitlements.   All of this is unsustainable and will bankrupt our country.  This Blogger is convinced that this is precisely Obama's plan to transform our country into a Socialist nation.   We can't let that happen. 

We must take back our country in 2012 and 2014 by sweeping these Socialists, that would bankrupt our country, including President Obama, out of office.   We must elect Mitt Romney the next President of the United States and gain Republican control of both Houses of Congress to get our country back on track.   We can do it.   We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.   We have to fix Social Security and Medicare and the sooner the better to save these programs for future generations. 

P.S. Give to Mitt Romney to make Obama a one term President.  Just go to and click on Donate.   Once on the page look for the line that says, I know my Referrers Information, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral number to make our voices heard.  Give as much as you can to take back our country. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Obama - FORWARD Over A Cliff

Socialist President Obama's campaign slogan is FORWARD; but in a Back To The Future moment, the question really is Forward to what?    Obama is proposing more of the same economic policy that has failed miserably.  Obama wants more SwindleUS Plans, even though his deficit spending trillion dollar SwindleUS Plans failed to bring down unemployment.  In fact, we have had 42 straight months of unemployment above 8%, when Obama promised us that if we spent this money we would see unemployment below 6%.   Instead, 23 million Americans are either unemployed, under employed working part time that want full time work, or they have just given up looking for work altogether.   So much for Hope and Change. 

46 million Americans are now on Food Stamps, up 26 million since Obama was elected.   9 million Americans are now collecting Disability Benefits, up 1 million since Obama took office.   The poverty rate, particularly among women, is higher today than when Bush II left office.   The foreclosure rate is the highest in American history.  The price of gas is double what it was when Bush II was in office.   As a result, there are now 100 million Americans on some kind of government assistance because Obama has loosened requirements making it easier for his PEEP's to go on the dole in an effort to win votes. 
Go figure. 
Most important, Obama has added $5 Trillion to our $16 Trillion National Debt, more than any other President in American history, with no end in sight.   Obama has no plan to end deficit spending and pay off our National Debt.  Obama has no plan to deal with Medicare or Social Security, both of which are heading toward insolvency just as 75 million Baby Boomers are reaching retirement age at a rate of 10,000 a day.  In fact, Obamanistas estimate that if their current trajectory continues, they will add another $10 Trillion to our National Debt.  Of course, the markets will never allow this to occur because ultimately we will not be able to borrow these staggering amounts of money and it will be at that point that we will experience the bankruptcy and financial collapse of the United States.   We have to stop the Obama insanity.  

Obama is purposefully leading us FORWARD toward a cliff that will result in the bankruptcy of our country and the loss of our National Sovereignty in order to transform our country into a European style Socialist nation.   Obamanistas are now calling Republican common sense plans to stop deficit spending, over time and pay off our National Debt, "radical and extremist".    Paul Ryan is being portrayed by Socialists as a right wing ideologue.  The Ryan Budget that cleans up the mess over a ten year period is being described by Socialists as radical.  Of course, their protestations are all Obamaloney.  Romney/Ryan are the only adults with experience running for President and Vice President.  Cards talk and numbers don't lie; but Obama and his Socialists pals in government will lie, cheat, or steal to stay in office feeding at the trough.

The reality is that we cannot go on borrowing $4 Billion every day to fund the federal government and Obama's plan to "transform" our nation.   If we confiscated all wealth in the US, which Socialists would just love to do, it still would not pay for all of Obama's Socialist Schemes.  Most important, we cannot tax our way of Obama's dismal economy.  Higher taxes and more regulations, as proposed by Obama, are job killers and will only make matters worse.   We have tried Obama's way for almost four years and it has resulted in dismal results.  We just can't take any more of Obama's crazy, radical, left wing Socialist Schemes.  

Romney/Ryan are the Come Back Team and the shovel brigade that will prevent the danger and the Fiscal Cliff we face if Obama is reelected.  We have to on our hip boots and drain the swamp in Washington DC to sweep these Socialists, including President Obama, out of office in 2012 and 2014.  We must elect Mitt Romney, the next President of the United States and gain Republican control of both Houses of Congress to prevent the bankruptcy of our country.  There is no other way to restore economic growth, prosperity and job creation again in America.   We can do it.   We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.   The last thing we need to do is to move FORWARD with Obama because that is a path over a cliff to catastrophe.  

P.S.  To donate to Mitt Romney's campaign to make Obama a one term President, just go to and click on Donate.   Once on that page, look for the line that says I know my Referrers Information, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral Number to make our voices heard.  Give as much as you can to take back our country.        

Obama Economy - Hostile To Women

While President Obama and his Socialist pals in government continue to focus on allowing unrestricted abortion and contraceptives for women, paid for by the Catholic Church, in violation of their religious tenets, in the name of women's rights, millions of women have lost their jobs as a result of the Obama Economy.   The poverty rate among women is the highest in American history, up from 13.1% to 14.5% since Obama was elected.  The percentage of women in extreme poverty has grown from 5.9% to 6.3% of the population. 

Unemployment among women has grown from 7.1%, when Obama took office, to 8.1%, or about 5.9 million women and that does not include those that are under employed working part time that want full time work, or that have just given up looking for work altogether.   When those groups are added in unemployed women are in the total of about 25,000,000 unemployed Americans.    Most of these people are in the Middle Class, the very group Obama claims to protect and defend.  On Really?   

How is that Hope and Change working for women in America; about the same as it's working for all Americans.  Obama's economic policies have lead to misery, poverty and a lower standard of living in America.  But, it really should be no surprise because Socialism where ever and when ever it has been tried in the world has always produced the same miserable result.   So while Obamanistas choose to focus on unlimited abortion and forcing the Catholic Church to provide contraceptives to working women, Republicans need to focus on getting more women in America back to work.  Well dah!  

The fact is that all Americans, including women, are worse off today than they were four years ago when Obama was elected.   And, if Obama is reelected this downward spiral will only continue and get worse.  We have to get our fiscal house in order to restore economic growth and job creation again in America.  The only way to do that is to make Obama a one term President and sweep Socialists at all levels of government out of office in 2012 and 2014. 

We must elect Mitt Romney, the next President of the United States and gain Republican control of both Houses of Congress to get our country back on track for the sake of women and all Americans and to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life.  We must take back our country in 2012 and 2014 to restore economic growth and job creation again in America.   We can do it.  We must do to prevent the bankruptcy of the United States and the loss of our national sovereignty.   The next time you speak to a woman defending President Obama, just provide the facts.  Cards talk and numbers don't lie.  The numbers related to women in America, as a result of the Obama Economy, are dismal.  

P.S.  To donate to Mitt Romney to make Obama a one term President, just go on and click on Donate.  Once on the page, look for the line that says, I know my Referrers Information, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral Number to make our voices heard.  Give as much as you can to take back our country.      

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Paul Ryan - A Great VP Choice

In his most critical decision on the way to the White House to date, Mitt Romney selected Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his running mate.   42 year old Ryan has blue collar, Irish Catholic roots that will play well in many states.   Most important, Paul Ryan is a brilliant Conservative who can articulate the limited government, free market capitalism message that is absolutely essential to restoring economic growth and jobs again in America.   This is the Come Back Team that will get America back on track as we work together to take back our nation.  

And, anyone who questioned Mitt Romney's Conservative credentials can be assured that in selecting Paul Ryan, Romney has made it very clear that he is in the mainstream of both the Republican Party and the Tea Party Movement.   Romney gets it and fully understands that we must end deficit spending and pay off our National Debt.   Romney has embraced the Ryan Budget, enacted by the House of Representatives, that does just that over a period of years in a very responsible way.   Both Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan also understand that they must reform all entitlements including Social Security and Medicare to save both these valuable programs from insolvency for future generations.  

Of course, Socialist President Obama and his pals at all levels of government will now accuse Romney/Ryan of throwing granny of a cliff, starving poor children, denying the handicapped benefits and supporting dirty air and water.   Always remember that Socialists will lie, cheat or steal to remain in office feeding at the trough.   We will now see the dirtiest election in American history as Obama and all his surrogates will attempt to portray Romney/Ryan as evil characters that want to destroy the social safety net in America.   Nothing can be further from the truth.  In fact, it is Socialists that will cause the destruction of the social safety net by providing benefits to people that can work; but won't.  Obama's goal is to get as many people dependent on government, currently around 100 million, to win elections and stay in power.   Well dah!   The only problem is that none of this is sustainable and it will cause the bankruptcy of the United States, which will lead to civil strife on our streets and a loss of our national sovereignty.   We can't let that happen.  

The battle is joined.  The nation can now choose between Romney/Ryan or Obama/Biden.   A vote for Mitt Romney is a vote for free market capitalism, limited government, economic growth and job creation again in America.  A vote for Obama and his Socialist pals in government is a vote for Socialism, high unemployment, more misery, poverty and a lower standard of living for all Americans.   It really is that simple.   We must elect Mitt Romney as the next President of the United States and gain Republican control of Congress to restore economic growth and job creation again in America.  Romney/Ryan is the Come Back Team that will get America back on track to restore morning in America.  

P.S.  To support Romney/Ryan and make Obama a one term President, just go to and click  on Donate.   Once on that page, look for the line that says, I know my Referrers Information, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral number to make our voices heard.   Give as much as you can to take back our country.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Facts Versus Socialist Emotion

During a recent fundraiser for our local Republican Congressman,  he said that the difference between Republicans and Socialists is that Republicans talk about facts, while Socialists, like President Obama and his pals in Congress, talk about emotions.  This really is the basis for the political divide that exists in America.  Conservatives are unwilling to ignore irrefutable facts, while Socialists simply disregard them.   So let's talk about the facts.

1.  Obama has added $5 Trillion, to our $16 Trillion National Debt, in just his first term in office, with no end in sight, more than any other President in American history.   As a result, we are headed toward the bankruptcy of our nation and the loss of our national sovereignty.   When running for office in 2008, Obama promised to cut the annual deficit in half, claiming that Bush's much smaller deficits were unpatriotic.  So much for that broken promise. 
2.  Obama borrowed and spent about $1 Trillion on his SwindleUS Plans promising we would see unemployment down to about 6% as a result.  Instead, we have had 42 straight months of unemployment above 8%.        
3.  25 million Americans are either unemployed, under employed working part time that want full time work, or they have just given up looking for work altogether.
4.  Dismal growth in our Gross Domestic Product has averaged 2% or less during the Obama Presidency, when 4% or higher is needed to restore economic growth and job creation again in America.
5.  The poverty rate is higher today than when Bush II was President.
6.  46 million people are on Food Stamps, up 26 million since Obama was elected.
7.  9 million people are collecting Disability benefits, up about 1 million since Obama took office.
8.  The home foreclosure rate is the highest in American history.
9.  The price of gas is double what is was on the last day of the Bush Presidency. 
10.  This will be the first Presidency in American history, when no federal budget has been adopted for any year of Obama's first term in violation of the Constitution. 

These are all FACTS, not Socialist emotion.  If this is Hope and Change, no thanks.  So when talking with anyone thinking of voting for Obama in 2012, please hit them with the facts.   Anyone with a brain, not just a heart, must vote for Mitt Romney and a Republican Congress in 2012 to prevent the bankruptcy of the United States.   Romney's pro growth plan is the only way to restore economic growth and job creation again in America.  If Obama is reelected and his Socialist pals remain in Congress, we will see more misery, poverty and an even lower standard of living for the American people.  It is reported that under Obama 100 million Americans are now receiving some kind of government assistance.   We are at a tipping point.  This is not sustainable.   We have to make Obama a one term President to get our country back on track.  This is about Facts, not Socialist Emotions.  

P.S.  To donate to Mitt Romney's campaign to make Obama a one term President, go to and click on Donate.  Once on that page, look for the line that says, I know my Referrers Information, click on that box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral Number to make our voices heard.  Give as much as you can to take back our country. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Obama's Steel Worker Story - Just More LIES

A Political Action Committee, with direct ties to the Obama Campaign, has produced an ad with a steel worker who claims that his wife died of cancer as a result of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital's closing of the steel factory where he worked years after they invested millions in the plant.  This steel worker claims that as result, he lost his health care insurance and his wife died 22 days later after diagnosis, I think.  The ad is so full of lies that it is hard to determine what is being said in this propaganda.  

What we do know is that the woman had her own health insurance and was not dependent on her husband's health insurance.  What we do know is that Mitt Romney left Bain Capital several years before the steel plant was closed and actually had nothing to do with either closing this steel mill, or laying off its workers.  And, what we also know is that the Obama Campaign is coordinating its efforts and fundraising with the President's Political Action Committee, which is a violation of federal law.  David Axelrod, Obama's hatchet man is despicable and will do anything to reelect the President including violating the law.  Of course, that is nothing new because Socialists will lie, cheat or steal to stay in power feeding at the trough. 

The lies concerning Mitt Romney continue to emanate from the Obama campaign out of desperation because Obama cannot run on his failed record.  In fact, this Blogger has not seen a campaign this dirty in my life time.   Obama knows that he is going down and will be a one term President.  Obama's only hope is to divide our nation and to implement a smear campaign full of lies about Mitt Romney.  Let us hope that the American people are smart enough to see through all these lies. 

Just in case, the Romney Campaign must fight back and fight fire with fire.  Romney and his surrogates must call out the liars in the Obama campaign by name.  They certainly would include all the characters running the Obama Campaign along with Socialist Senator Dirty Harry Reid of Nevada, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco and others that will do, or say anything to win.  Obama and his crew are Chicago street fighters.  Since the dead vote in Chicago, we must expect anything from this sleazy crew.  Socialists fight dirty and so the Republican Party unfortunately must fight back.  Obama once said if someone brings a knife to a fight, then he will bring a gun.  Well Mr. Romney, the big guns are out and so it is time to bring a cannon and a bazooka to the fight.

Romney needs at least 10 surrogates on the street fighting the battle and refuting all the Obama lies.   Romney surrogates must be on TV day and night.  No lie can go unanswered and immediately.  It is time to take the gloves off and get really tough.   We have to take back our country in 2012 and 2014 by sweeping these lying, sleazy Socialists, including President Obama, out of office.  Our country is at a tipping point.  Our only chance to get our country back on track is electing Mitt Romney the next President of the United States and gaining Republican control of both Houses of Congress.  We can do it.  We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.  In the mean time, every time Obama opens his mouth, we can expect more despicable lies.  It is what it is.   Obama is a LIAR plain and simple.   

P.S.  To donate to Mitt Romney's campaign to make Obama a one term President, just go to and click on Donate.  Once one that page, look for the line that says, I know my Referrers number, click on the box and type in 8544, the National Freedom Forum Referral Number to make our voices heard.  Give as much as you can to take back our country.