Thursday, March 31, 2011

Socialists Now Want To Tax Miles Driven

Many Socialists in Washington now want to impose a federal tax on miles driven.  It is not enough that we already pay 35 to 50 cents a gallon or more in gasoline taxes, since cars are now more fuel efficient getting more miles to the gallon,  Socialists presumably want to put some sort of gadget on cars to monitor the miles we drive each month for taxation purposes.   WE THE PEOPLE should stand up and say enough is enough and HELL NO.   Tax and spend Socialists, formerly referred to as Democrats, will go to any length to confiscate more of our hard earned money in an attempt to control our lives.   This particular Socialist Scheme would penalize Western and Southern states more since most people in those states commute by car rather than by public transportation. 

And, the car and freedom go hand in hand.  American's ability to use their cars for work and pleasure is part of our standard of living.   We don't live in the Soviet Union when most people did not own cars at all and they lived in tyranny and misery.   These Socialist never stop seeking ways to take money from hard working people to support their PEEP's, people on the dole, big unions and public employees.  As it is, many Americans pay more than 50% of their income in various federal, state and local taxes.   Our Founding Fathers never envisioned confiscation of our money to these levels.  Remember, they fought a revolution over these very same issues. 

Clearly, we need to fight a peaceful revolution at the ballot box in 2012 and 2014 to sweep these Socialists out of office and force them to get real jobs for once in their lives, instead of living off the fat of the land and the fruits of our labor.   This Blogger and former history and government teacher has had it.  As a business owner who must make payroll every month, I for one am sick and tired of these Socialists with all their Socialist Schemes, taxes and regulations that are destroying economic growth and jobs in the United States.   And, Socialists are bankrupting our country by all the trillions in deficit spending that we must bring to an end once and for all.  

The elections of 2012 and 2014 will be critical.   We must make Socialist President No Drama Obama a one term President.   And,  we must elect Conservatives at all levels of government to take back the Senate and more Governorships and state houses.   We have to change the direction of our country.   We can do it.   We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.      

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Obama's Energy Scheme - Same Old Same Old

Socialist President Obama recently attempted to change the subject from Libya to Energy Policy. The problem is that Obama's Energy Scheme is same old same old as gas is nearing $5 a gallon in many areas of the country. Obama is singing the same old song Socialists always sing. Big bad oil companies are evil, greedy, villains. The reality is that the price of all energy is based on global supply and demand and to some degree instability in the Middle East, which is driving up prices. But since Obamanistas never learned the lessons of Economics 101, they just don't get it. Obviously, while Obama talks a good game and says he favors using US energy sources, the Environmental Protection Agency, under Obama's direction, makes it difficult if not impossible to drill for oil or natural gas, mine for oil shale or coal, or build new nuclear plants. So while China is doing all of the above to meet the needs of their growing economy, the United States continues to talk about energy independence; but does little to make it happen. Obama pushes "Green Technology" by providing billions in government subsidies to support wind, solar, ethanol (which is not really green), other bio fuels etc. that are not economically feasible today and will not be feasible for years to come. Obama wants to impose a carbon tax to make the cost of energy based on oil, coal, oil shale and natural gas more expensive to make Green Technologies more feasible. This crazy Socialist Scheme will result in a lower standard of living for all Americans and the loss of millions of jobs. China is implementing a long term plan to become energy independent, while Obama and the United States continues to dither. It is time for the adults in Washington to get serious about energy independence. The instability in the Middle East should be a wake up call that we will continue to be dragged into wars there as long as we are dependent on that region for oil. It is time for the US to implement an energy policy that is focused on making our country energy independent. It is estimated that we have a two hundred year supply of natural gas and coal. We should be investing our time and resources to make these energy sources into cleaner technologies since we have them in abundance and they are economically feasible today rather than chasing wind mills. Obama keeps pushing electric cars, which are not really feasible today and high speed trains that cost billions. But even if they are feasible, where does the President think the electricity will come from to power those cars or trains. The electric plants needed to power electric vehicles, or trains in the numbers needed to eliminate emissions from these vehicles must be powered by either oil, natural gas, oil shale, or nuclear energy. It can't happen any other way in the next 20 years. Solar and wind are a pipe dream right now. President Obama, the Socialists in Congress and their environmental wacko supporters just don't get any of this. They live in another universe where hope is a strategy when in fact hope is never a strategy. We need a common sense 50 year energy plan that takes advantage of the natural resources of the United States in an environmentally sound way while we develop the technologies of the future. There is no other way. This will not happen as long as Socialists control any branch of the federal or state governments. So for the good of our country and our people, we have to sweep these Socialists out of office in 2012 and 2014 to restore economic growth and job creation in America again. This will not happen as long as Socialists are controlling the agenda. It really is that simple.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Obama Docterine - A Slippery Slop

Socialist President Obama, who has spent the last two years denying American exceptionalism, declared that the United States attacked Libya because our country is "different". By that, the President stated that the United States can't stand by and watch injustice, or innocent people be murdered; so after a month Obama acted to save lives in Libya. This would be admirable if it was true. Dictators in Syria, North Korea, many countries in Africa, Bahrain, Egypt and Iran have been murdering their citizens seeking freedom for years, including the two years Obama has been in office. Does anyone believe China would not do the same if "harmony" in China was disrupted. So what the heck is the Obama Docterine? Is the President suggesting that the United States should start firing cruise missiles any time a tin horn dictator starts abusing its country's citizens. If that is the case, we better start producing a whole lot more cruise missiles because we would have to attack many countries each year. This is a slippery slop. Of course, the United States should do what we can to stop the murder of innocent people; but we can't be the world's policeman. Instead, we should impose sanctions, freeze assets, encourage others in region to act and even help them; but it is inconsistent to attack one country and ignore the others doing the same thing. Besides, we are BROKE thanks to our elected representatives in Washington. Most important, the Obama Docterine, if it is a docterine, is unworkable because it would require immediate action in another 4 or 5 countries right now. And, as Colin Powell once said, "if we break it, we own it". No one knows what will happen in many of these Middle Eastern countries if their dictators are deposed. We could end up with a worse situation than exists now. President Obama is so naive and inexperienced that it is scary. Obama is the Ditherer and Chief, really just Jimmy Carter II. I never thought I would say it; but given the choice, Hillary Clinton would have made a far better President. Hillary Clinton is more experienced and decisive than Obama. No Drama Obama is afraid to make decisions. In this particular case, the so called Obama Docterine is tortured and incohent. It is just not logical. This is just one more reason we must make Obama a one term President in 2012. Obama just does not seem to understand the geopolitical impact of his actions.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Americans With Disabilities Act - Government Gone Wild

The Americans With Disabilities Act was passed in 1990 to accommodate people on the job with obvious disabilities; primarily the blind, the crippled and those with mental impairments. In 2008, while the Socialists controlled the Congress, the ADA was expanded to include all sorts of ailments. Previously, it was thought that the ADA covered about 40 million Americans. The 2008 upgrade will expand this number dramatically to millions more. And, this law is turning into another regulation nightmare for employers. Previously, the handicapped had to demonstrate that their disability was such that accommodation was necessary. Now, business has to demonstrate why accommodation is not necessary placing the legal burden on the employer. This well intentioned law will ultimately result in job losses across the board since the cost of accommodation will not come out of thin air. Any time government burdens business with a higher cost to doing business in the United States more jobs go overseas where such laws do not exist. And, many wonder why unemployment in the US is still high. Many of the jobs that were lost during the Recession are not coming back. They are gone forever, which is the reason many are saying that the unemployment we have now is not going away any time soon. The expansion of those covered by ADA will not result in one more disabled person on the job if there are fewer jobs for all. Recently, we moved into a new building that was constructed to be ADA compliant, which means many features in the space had to be accessible by wheel chair. That sounds reasonable except that in doing so, various features in the space are now not convenient for those not in a wheel chair. Since currently we have no wheel chair bound employees, all other employees are negatively impacted. In another instance, in remodeling one of our other buildings, though our building was ADA compliant in 1999 when it was built, our architect advised us that we might have to make costly changes to comply with current rules, including the potential expense of $25,000 to install bot dots in the parking lot to allow the blind to make their way 200 feet from the side walk in front of the building to the front door. When I asked how would a blind person get to the side walk in the first place, without assistance, there was no logical answer. This is getting pretty crazy. Obviously, most Americans would do what we can to help the the disabled, narrowly defined. But is a person with high blood pressure, which is treatable, disabled requiring accommodation, perhaps meaning a job with low, or no stress? And, what job would that be that has any value to a company? I know of none. If high blood pressure is now covered by the ADA, we may be talking about half the working population making it impossible for business to comply. This is just more fodder for nuisance lawsuits and big contingency fees for trial attornies. Clearly, government unrestrained has gone too far, once again. The Americans With Disabilities Act, more broadly defined, will be a job killer. This is just one more example of government gone wild. Does anyone in Washington have any common sense?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Establishment Republicans - Still Don't Get It

Establishment Republicans in Washington DC still don't get it. The message coming out of the 2010 election was to stop ALL the deficit spending and balance the federal budget once and for all. The only way that is possible is to eliminate completely many programs, agencies and cabinet departments that are redundant. Republicans need to show us $500 Billion in cuts across the board to demonstrate that they got the message. This business of nickel and dime cuts of $61 Billion, or even the originally proposed $100 billion is peanuts out of a $3.7 Trillion budget. Establishment Republicans will "compromise" to avoid a government shut down. But what we need is a government shut down to show the Socialists in Washington that there is a new sheriff in town. And, Republicans that go along to get along, will face primary challenges in 2012. Republicans that vote to raise the debt ceiling, without getting a balanced budget Constitutional Amendment as part of the deal, will lose their seats the next time around. We have had it!! WE THE PEOPLE want dramatic change not just tinkering around the edges that accomplishes nothing and puts our country one step closer to bankruptcy. Socialists will never change their tax and spend ways to pay off their PEEP's on the dole. If the Republican Party can't make this stop, then we will have to form a Constitutional Party led by politicians committed to sound fiscal management and Conservative values. It will mean the end of the Republican Party. Republicans better realize that they have been given one last chance to get it right. If Republicans turn out to be the Socialist Light Party, then their reason for being will disappear entirely and they will go the way of the WHIG Party. We need to see $500 Billion in spending cuts as a down payment to end deficit spending and get the federal budget on the right trajectory. To get there, everything should be on the table except higher taxes. Local, State and Federal Governments already confiscate quite enough of our money. We do not need to give them more of our money to mismanage. The clock is ticking for the Republican Party. So far many of us have not been very impressed; that's for sure. We need to elect real Conservatives that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, real education, energy and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth, job creation in our country and to prevent the bankruptcy of the United States. I just hope the Republican Party finally gets the message. So far not so good.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Demonization of American Business

Socialist President Obama is reaching out to American business now that he is running for re-election; but it is a phony ploy to raise money and nothing more. During the last two years Obama and the Socialists in Congress have demonized the Banking, Mortgage, Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Oil, Nuclear and Coal industries in order to pass Socialist legislation and gain more government control over the economy and our lives. Socialists have ignored the fact that these industries create millions of good paying jobs in the United States and that both these companies and their employees pay billions in federal, state and local taxes. Further, all of these companies and many of their employees support numerous charities, the arts, education and many other good causes to enrich our society.

Socialists always attempt to divide the American people to gain and retain power because otherwise they have no message. However, great Presidents bring people together rather than divide them. Abraham Lincoln once said that "a nation divided against itself shall not stand." We have big problems in this country that will not be solved by Obama, a left wing President, who is the most polarizing in American history.

The Socialist so called populist, left wing appeal is always focused on portraying companies and people, that oppose their Socialist Schemes as racist, greedy and evil. This tactic started with Woodrow Wilson and was continued by Franklin Roosevelt. Obama is following the same playbook. For the past 30 years, this blogger has worked with many of these demonized companies and their employees and I have not seen anyone, or anything that would substantiate the Socialist negative characterization of these industries, or their employees.

Yes, there are a few bad apples in every industry and some of them are crooks that should be in jail just like politicians who have stolen the Social Security Trust Fund to buy elections; but the people I have encountered in American business at every level have been hard working, ethical, upstanding members of their communities. And, the last time I read the Constitution, there is no law against making a profit, or a lot of money. In fact, profit is necessary to make new investments that create jobs. And, there are no taxes paid unless there is profit. Further, it is the rich that grow businesses that create jobs and who give to charities, the arts, education and many other worthy causes. I don't think a poor man has ever created a job except for government jobs that enslave the poor and result in their continued dependence on government.

Socialist President Obama will say or do anything to win re-election, which is the reason he is attempting to make nice with business. The President has been advised by his Consultants that he is too left wing to win re-election so he will play down his Socialist Schemes; but we should look at his appointments and those in his cabinets in addition to the actions of his administration through Executive Order to fully understand that Obama is a die hard Socialist, through and through, who hates capitalism and American business. You can change the stripes on a Zebra; but it will still be a Zebra.

We need to make Obama a one term President and take control of the US Senate in 2012 to prevent the bankruptcy of the United States. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Tea Party Is Restless

The Tea Party, responsible for Republican victories across the country, in 2010,is restless and not too happy with the establishment leadership of the Republican Party. Initially, Republican party leaders proposed cutting spending by $100 Billion in 2010. That number has been lowered to $61 Billion. Both numbers are peanuts as a percentage of the $3.7 Trillion budget. Most Tea Party members don't really care if there is a government shut down if it is the only way to demonstrate to Socialist President Obama and the Socialists in Congress that Republicans in Congress mean business. In the event of a government shut down, Socialists can explain to the American people and many of their PEEP's on the dole why they did not get their checks.

We have got to get serious about cutting deficit spending. $61 Billion is not going to do it. $100 Billion is not going to do it. We should be cutting $500 Billion in spending to send a serious signal to the markets that the days of unsustainable spending are over. The Republicans should be proposing the actual elimination of many programs and agencies and the consolidation of various cabinet departments. To do anything less is a joke.

The Socialists in Washington will never cut spending as long as they can continue borrowing money and printing money to pay off their PEEP's. Big Unions got most of the Stimulus money. Very little of that money went to so called "shovel ready projects", which is the reason few if any new jobs were created by Obama's Socialist Scheme. Instead, in the last two years, more that $3 Trillion was added to the National Debt. How can any responsible elected official, of either political party, consciously act to bankrupt our country. I just don't get it.

Republicans better get the message. They should not vote to raise the debt limit without major cuts in spending and I don't mean peanuts and a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution as part of the deal. It is time to play hard ball. If the Republicans fail to do their job to bring fiscal sanity back to government, then they should be thrown out of office. RINO's should be challenged in Republican Primaries to elect true Conservatives to get this job done. It is just that simple. We have to take back our country, which means defeating Socialists and RINO's and electing fiscal Conservatives. There is no other way.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Obama - The President Of Brazil

Socialist President Obama has pledged to assist Brazil in the development of its off shore oil fields stating that we can't wait to buy oil from Brazil. In fact, the US Import Export Bank is lending Brazil $2 Billion to develop its state owned off shore oil reserves. At the same time, the Obama Administration has stopped oil drilling in the US Gulf Coast costing thousands of jobs. So it appears that Obama is actually the President of Brazil, not the United States since clearly this President is not representing the interests of the United States. It is great if Brazil develops it oil fields; but why on earth are we lending them money to do it as a state owned enterprise rather than being done by private sector oil companies willing to invest their money to make a profit. This is insane.

The United States will never be energy independent as long as Obama is the President of the United States, which is the reason we must make Obama a one term President in 2012. We need a 50 year plan designed to make the United States energy independent by using all current sources of energy within the United States and developing new sources of energy that are not yet economically feasible. If we don't make this happen, we will continue to be involved in wars in the Middle East. This is a national security issue.

We need to develop nuclear, natural gas, clean coal, oil shale and oil fields within the US, including Anwar in Alaska, so that we can stop sending billions of dollars every month overseas to buy oil from other countries. We need to be free from energy dependence on other countries, particularly countries that hate us. Obama will never make this happen because he is an environmental wacko.

We have to elect a common sense Conservative in 2012 to end the Obama Presidency, who supports energy independence for the United States. This does not mean abandoning a commitment to a clean environment. It does mean recognizing that we need cheap energy to grow our economy. If Obama is re-elected it will mean the loss of millions of jobs and a lower standard of living for the American people. We can't let that happen.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Libya - What Is the End Game

Socialist President Obama, the US Department of State, American Generals and our allies overseas don't seem to have a clue what the end game is for Libya. First, the stated goal was to prevent the massacre of rebels in Libya. Then the President and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton keep saying that Qadhafi "has to go" yet that is supposed to happen without American pro-active action. At the same time, American Generals are saying that deposing Qadhafi and regime change are not part of their mission. Our allies, particularly the French, have balked at NATO control of this mission. Turkey, a member of NATO, wants no part of this mission. The Arab League countries, all run by dictators, that asked the US to impose a No Fly Zone, are no where to be found.

What we have is foreign policy chaos because President Obama fails to understand that the President of the United States is the leader of the free world with no other equal. What the President says and does matters. When President Obama goes to Brazil and says in a speech that the US and Brazil will partner together as equals, he must be smoking medical marijuana. Brazil is a developing nation with no where near the economic, or military power of the United States and that will not change for 50 years or more, if ever. President Obama's feel good comments, while visiting Brazil were polite; but ridiculous. If Brazil is an equal to the United States, then why aren't they in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, or helping Japan deal with the current natural disaster.

President Obama has been hosting sports teams, dealing with basketball picks, playing golf and then jetting off to Latin America when we are facing a major disaster in Japan, the second largest economy in the world and civil revolt all over the the Middle East. No Drama Obama's lack of involvement in these serious foreign policy challenges is just astounding. No wonder Hillary Clinton has announced that she will not serve in a second Obama Administration if Obama is re-elected in 2012. What ever we all think of the Clinton's, Bill Clinton better understood the Presidency and the role of Commander and Chief than is true with President Obama who is missing in action.

Obama's incompetence would be humerous if it wasn't dangerous. A weak or indecisive President of the United States invites our enemies to miscalculate ultimately making war necessary. In the book The Prince by Machiavelli, the author posed the question, "Is it better for the Prince to be loved or feared." Given that there are evil dictators running many countries in the world, this blogger wants the President to be feared. It is clear that Obama needs to be loved, which may stem from his childhood because his parents were often not part of his life.

So now we are stuck with Libya with no end game in sight. The French may take control of the mission because there is a power vacuum. Unless ground troops are sent in, it is unlikely that Qadhafi is going anyway any time soon. Since the President of the United States has made it a point to say that Qadhafi has to go, US prestige is now at stake. Who knows what will happen to Qadhafi; but what is clear is that Obama has to go in 2012. President Obama is a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States. We lived through the nightmare Jimmy Carter years. We just can't live through Jimmy Carter II once again. Where or where is Ronald Reagan when we need him.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Protecting The Vital Interests of the United States

In the university course, International Relations 325, this Blogger learned that the definition of a vital interest is that something is so important that a nation would ultimately go to war to protect its interests. The reason Socialist President Obama's position on Libya is so confused and tortured is that what happens in Libya is not a vital interest of the United States. Obama has stated that Qaddafi "has to go"; but we will do nothing specific to make that happen. Making this statement is ridiculous if we are not prepared to do what is necessary to make it happen. If Qaddafi happens to be killed in a bombing run, it would be coincidence; not on purpose. The reality is that what is happening in Libya is a tragedy; but similar tragedies happen all over the world. The United States cannot and should not intervene every time a tin horn dictator acts to harm the people of his own country. If we did so, we would be in a constant state of war all over the world.

Certainly, we have a moral obligation to encourage other countries that may have a vital interest in what is happening in a neighboring country to act. We might even help them act; but it is those countries that should be risking treasure and blood to stop an adjacent tyrant from harming his own people. In the case of Libya, Arab countries should both be footing the bill for this military action and in fact should be on the front lines to depose Qaddafi. The United States should instead be focused on what is happening in Mexico, our neighbor to the South because what is happening there is a vital interest of the United States. Violence in Mexico is spilling over our border. And, of course, violence in Mexico is contributing to even more illegal immigration, which is bankrupting many border states.

So instead of focusing US treasure and blood on Libya, which should be the problem of other countries in region, Socialist President Obama should be focusing our efforts on Mexico to get control of our Border and stop the illegal immigration and illicit drugs from coming into the United States. What is happening in Mexico is a vital interest of the United States; yet President Obama continues to do nothing serious to deal with the problems right on our Border. It is time to station our Army on the Border to defend our country. And if necessary, we should send Special Operations teams into Mexico, that are armed, to deal with the Drug Cartels that are the source of these problems.

Socialist President Obama will never do what is necessary to secure our Border and deal with the illicit drugs entering our country. Instead, we are wasting treasure and blood on Libya, which is one more reason we must make Obama a one term President in 2012. The President of the United States must act to protect our vital interests above all else as Commander and Chief. Obama has proven every day since taking office that he is ill prepared to do the job. Obama is clearly Jimmy Carter II, the Ditherer and Chief.

The Arab League - Where Is It?

The Arab League asked Socialist President Obama to impose a No Fly Zone on Libya. No Drama Obama finally got permission from the United Nations to move forward. Obama would not take action unless sanctioned by the "International Community", which really is a hand full of countries. To date, the United States and primarily Britain and France and a few other European countries have probably already spent $500 million imposing a No Fly Zone on Libya, presumably to protect Arab Moslems from certain death by Gadhafi's paid mercenaries. It is projected that it will cost $9 Billion to keep this up for 180 days that the US will have to borrow from foreign countries adding to our National Debt. So basically predominantly Christian countries are risking blood and treasure to protect Arab Moslems, many of whom hate us.

Where is the Arab League is this deal. Qatar is sending 4 American made jets to participate in this mission. But where is Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordon, Kuwait and Bahrain all of which have sizeable squadrons of American made jets. Most important, why aren't the oil rich countries, especially Saudi Arabia paying for this whole deal. And, why isn't Egypt, right next door to Libya sending in its well trained army to protect their Arab Moslem brothers. Once again, it is the United States trying to bring order in the Middle East; but this region is a quagmire and this may only be the beginning. The reason the Arab League is not involved in a meaningful way is that most of these countries are run by dictators not much different than Gadhafi. The "leaders" of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain are attempting to buy off their people right now; but if that does not work and protests continue, they will use force to stay in power. Then what?

If Arab League Members are not going to actively participate to save Arab Moslem lives, President Obama should send oil rich Arab countries in the Middle East the bill for this military operation in Libya. Their failure to participate says a whole lot about Arab Moslem values. The Judeo Christian ethic mandates that we move to protect and save lives. Apparently, no such ethic exists in the Arab Moslem value system, even when it is their own brothers at risk, which is very troubling. The United States has no national security interest in Libya. Libya only contributes about 2% to the world's oil supply, which is not enough to make this fight a vital interest of the United States. This is especially true if Arab countries will do nothing to protect the lives of these people in Libya. Why are we there when most Arab countries are run by tin horn dictators that will kill their own people to stay in power?

No Drama Obama waited weeks to take action, making the US look weak. Now that we are in, Obama is insisting that others lead this mission. Like who? Most important, it will probably be impossible to oust Gadhafi, without ground troops invading Libya. Obama has stated in no uncertain terms that the US would not position ground troops in Libya, which is the right decision. But, if not us then what country is lined up to send ground troops in to finish the job. President Obama does not have the experience to play on the world stage. Working with other countries is not the same as being a community organizer. Obama has again stepped into a mess. Just wait and see, the next President of the United States, hopefully elected in 2012 to replace Obama, will have to deal with the mess left behind by No Drama Obama.

P.S. Hillary Clinton will not serve a second term as Secretary of State, if Obama is re-elected because she is tired of Obama, the Ditherer and Chief. Let's face it, Hilly is a lot tougher than Obama.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Obama - Just A $2.3 Trillion Mistake

Socialist President Obama has estimated that if his deficit spending is allowed to continue on the current path, that the country would experience a $7.2 Trillion deficit in the next 10 years adding to the current $14 Trillion National Debt. In a new study conducted by the Congressional Budget Office, they are estimating that the deficit under the current trajectory will actually be $9.5 Trillion. So apparently, if you believe any of these numbers, it would appear that the Obamanistas made a $2.3 Trillion mistake. Oh well, it just our money and the bankruptcy of the United States we are talking about.

How can any responsible elected official, no less the President of the United States, put forth such an irresponsible plan? What Obama is proposing is no less than the bankruptcy of the United States. If Obama was running a business, which of course he has never done, he would be out of business. No bank would provide funding for this business plan. No investors would invest in this company called the United States, with such projections. But of course, the federal government is allowed to confiscate income from taxpayers to fund this craziness. And currently, there is nothing in the Constitution that REQUIRES a balanced budget, which we must change and soon.

We have to make Obama a one term President in 2012 and take over the Senate to complete the job we began in 2010. We must elect Conservatives that will finally stop this reckless deficit spending. This cannot be allowed to continue. WE THE PEOPLE must just say HELL NO to the Socialists, Public Employee Unions, Environmental Wackos and Trial Lawyers that are destroying our country.

It is time to take our country back by electing Conservatives that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, real education, energy and health care reform, a strong national defense, which includes securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and jobs in our country.

Most important, we must elect Conservatives, who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, public employee unions, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current or former Presidents, Congresses, or the Courts. We must take back our country to prevent the bankruptcy of our nation. We can do it. We must do to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

No Drama Obama - Reluctent President

It is apparently one thing to win the Presidency and quite another thing to be the President of the United States, the leader of the free world. During the last few months, Socialist President Obama has been missing in action and or very slow to respond to both national and world events. We see revolts in the Middle East. Obama insisted that Hosni Mubarak, the President of Egypt, step down. Mubarak was our long time friend and ally, easily bribed to do our bidding. Yet, when Obama had a chance to move quickly and decisively to depose Moamar Qaddafi, guilty of Terrorism against the United States, the President was too slow to move. What is happening in the Middle East is a real threat to the security of the United States, yet Obama does not seem to have a coherent policy regarding the uprisings there.

And, while Japan, our long time ally has suffered a devastating earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis, that will ultimately impact Americans in many ways, Obama went golfing and chose to coach his daughter's basketball team instead of implementing a highly visible crisis management team to deal with the disaster. Finally, President Obama is no where to be found related to working with Congress to cut spending in a meaningful way to achieve a federal budget for 2010. As such, the best they can do is running the government by continuing resolutions.

President Obama, the college professor and community organizer, appears to be the reluctant President afraid to make a decision one way or another. Remember, as a state legislator, he often voted Present rather than Yes or No. Obama appears paralyzed when confronted with tough decisions. It is pretty clear that Obama cannot deal with conflict, apparently hoping that it will just go away. The only problem is that Obama, as President of the United States is the Commander and Chief. As such, he is the only guy elected to deal with the problems we face on the world stage.

Obviously, President Obama is the wrong guy for the job. One can only imagine how Obama would have reacted to 9/11. It is actually pretty scary. And, it could lead to a disaster for the United States because an indecisive President can cause other tin horn dictators around the world to miscalculate. President Nixon used to say that the world needs to believe that the President of the United States is just crazy enough to push the button so that we will never have to push the button. Obama took the button off the table when he stated early in his Presidency that the United States would never be first to push the button. In making that statement, he endangered the national security of the United States.

Obama, proves daily that he is ill prepared to be the President of the United States. Maybe this is the reason why Hillary Clinton has announced that she will not serve a second term as Secretary of State should Obama be elected. Clearly, the Clinton's do not want to be associated with an ineffective President who is bankrupting our country. We do need to make Obama a one term President in 2012. That's for sure.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Japan - The Fall Out And Cost For Americans

As Socialist President Obama went golfing and worried about his NCAA Basketball picks, Japan experienced a massive earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis. Since we live in a global economy, it is impossible for Americans not to be impacted by this disaster. In many ways, Japan, though a rich country, is ill-prepared to deal with this disaster because for more than ten years, the government of Japan has practiced Keynesian economics using deficit spending trying to grow their economy. It has failed miserably and now the Japan has debt that is equal to two times their Gross Domestic Product (GDP). As a comparison, the US National Debt, which is bad enough, is equal to about one times our GDP.

The difference is that the Japanese pretty much owe themselves this money since their National Debt has been financed by Japanese savings. The US National Debt is primarily owed to foreign countries like China. In fact, China holds about one trillion dollars of our $14 trillion National Debt. In any case, since Japan is already a financial mess, recovery from the current national disaster means that they will need to borrow billions more to rebuild their country. As such, this disaster is going to impact the United States in many ways.

First, American insurance companies are exposed since many of them sell insurance in Japan. They will have to pay out billions, which ultimately could lead to higher premiums in the US as they seek to cover these losses. Second, since Japan is pulling down some of their nuclear plants, they will need to buy more oil to fuel their economy, which will drive up the cost of energy in the US. Third, the price of various commodities will go up as Japan must import most of the materials needed to rebuild their country. But perhaps, most important, the Japanese will cease buying US treasuries, which ultimately will mean higher interest rates and inflation in the US because the US Federal Reserve will have to print money to fund our National Debt unless deficit spending is finally ended, which seems doubtful as long as No Drama Obama is the President.

And, many that have always opposed nuclear energy, will draw the wrong conclusions from the nuclear crisis in Japan and attempt to curtail the development of nuclear energy in the United States. Far more people have died for car and airplane crashes, as well as, oil drilling and coal mining accidents than have died from accidents at nuclear facilities. In fact, nuclear energy, properly managed, is very safe. There are lessons that can be learned from the catastrophe in Japan; but a 9.0 earthquake and the resultant tsunami that damaged a nuclear plant is no reason to stop the development of nuclear energy in the United States. Nuclear energy must be a component of our drive to become energy independent in the next 50 years.

So while Socialist President Obama dithered as usual, big things are happening in the world. There will be fall out from the disaster in Japan and it is going to cost the American people big money. We just need to draw the right conclusion from this terrible disaster and react intelligently.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Price of Empire

Since the end of World War II, the United States has been and continues to be the only super power in the world. Traditionally, that positioning has been based on both our economic and military power. While the old Soviet Union had military power, it never had economic power, which is the reason this Communist state never really achieved super power status. And, we see once again, with the disaster in Japan, that the United States is the only country in the world that can project power any where, any time in the world.

Whether we like it or not, the United States maintains an empire composed of allies that rely on us for their protection and enemies that fear and resent us. It is what it is. And, the question is do we want to maintain our super power status and at what cost. If so, we cannot rely on our military power alone. We must remain the strongest economic power in the world, as well. While China will become the second largest economy in the world in the next ten years, the US economy is still three times that of China's. And, we currently have about 350 million people living in the US, while China has more than 1.2 billion people living in their country; the majority of whom are living in poverty. So while the Chinese government is rich, the majority of the Chinese people are poor and will continue to be poor under the Communist regime for years to come.

The only real threat to our super power status is our growing National Debt and the trillion dollar plus annual deficit spending that continues in Washington. Socialist House of Representatives Minority Leader Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco recently said that the federal budget was not about money, it was about morality. How can we add up morality in a budget. This woman is a moron; plain and simple. Medical marijuana is legal in California and clearly Pelosi must be smoking pot because she is incoherent. In any case, while both the Republicans and the Socialists are guilty of deficit spending, Socialist President Obama and the Socialists in Congress have spent more in his two years in office than any other President in American history. They are bankrupting our country. And if allowed to continue on his path, the 14 Trillion dollar National Debt will grow to 24 Trillion dollars in the next ten years. We can't let that happen, which is an important reason we must make Obama a one term President in 2012.

One way to stop the deficit spending it is to spread the burden of Empire around to those benefiting from our protection and help. The Chinese want stability in the world and they have money. Oil producing countries have money. Some European countries have money. Why not ask them to contribute to a US Defense and Disaster Relief Fund so it is not always the American taxpayer on the hook. Certainly, the Chinese, oil producing countries and the Europeans can pony up $500 Billion, or more a year, to pay for services rendered by the US around the world, rather than having the US borrow this money. There is a price for Empire; but why should we have to pay it all when so many others are the beneficiaries. It is time for some creative ideas to end our deficit spending. This is one of them.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Obama & Gasoline Price Gauging

Socialist President Obama has ordered Attorney General Eric Holder to look into gasoline price gauging as the price of gas continues to rise across the country. Once again, Obama continues to demonstrate his lack of experience and knowledge about Economics 101. The price of gas is going up for three very simple reasons including instability in the Middle East, the Federal Reserve is printing money, which is destroying the value of the dollar and finally both the US and China import more than 50% of the oil needed to fuel their economies.

Oil is now selling at more than $100 a barrel. Since oil is priced in dollars, as the global reserve currency, as the value of the dollar goes down, oil producers demand more per barrel to simply earn the same money they were earning when the dollar was stronger. While I don't particularly like defending oil producing nations because they use collusion to control prices, they are not earning any more money in real terms for each barrel of oil they sell. If Obama had taken and passed Economics 101, the President might understand how inflation, which is rising, impacts the price of all goods and services. And while China is doing the right things to become energy independent in the next several years, the United States, which is resource rich, continues to be dependent on foreign oil because environmental wackos in the US, with the support of Socialists in government, file lawsuits to stop the development of US based energy sources.

In fact, several hundred projects in the US, that would create millions of jobs, are stalled related to nuclear, natural gas, clean coal, oil shale and both off shore and on shore drilling for oil. It should be no surprise since Obama has publicly stated that his plan is to have the price of all carbon based energy sources rise dramatically. Apparently, the President does not care about the millions of jobs that would be lost if energy prices rise dramatically and the inherent lower standard of living that would result in the US if his environmental wacko schemes were allowed to go forward.

Look, no one is arguing for polluting the environment. But the fact is that the environmental wackos are against all energy sources. Many of these tree huggers now even oppose wind mills because birds might be killed by the blades and solar panels because desert habitat could be impacted. If the environmental wackos are allowed to get their way, we would all be walking, riding bicycles and shivering in the dark in our homes. There would be no manufacturing in the United States and millions of people would be out of work. We can't let any of this happen because it would mean the end of the US as a super power. Of course, the left wing in the United States would like nothing better.

We have got to take back our country by pushing these environmental wackos out of the way and by sweeping their Socialist Supporters, including President Obama, out of office in 2012 and 2014. We have to elect common sense Conservatives who took and got an A in Economics 101. We must elect Conservatives that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, real energy, education and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and jobs in our country.

We must take back our country in 2012 and 2014 by electing Conservatives who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, public employee unions, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current of former President, Congresses, or the Courts. We must take back our country by electing Conservatives who understand Economics 101. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

ObamaCare - Secret Meetings and DIRTY Deals

Socialist President Obama promised transparency when he ran for the Presidency. Apparently, he LIED; like that is a big surprise! Republican Congressman Fred Upton of Michigan, the Chairman of the House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee has requested the sharing of records on meetings and other interaction between the Obama Administration and Insurance and Drug Companies, Hospital Groups, Unions and other interest groups that were involved in negotiations related to ObamaCare. These secret meetings resulted in a bunch of DIRTY deals that we see in the 2,000 plus page ObamaCare legislation. Obamanistas, under orders from the President, are stonewalling this Congressional Committee by refusing to share this information. They don't want us to see these DIRTY deals.

It is one thing to deny access to information related to national security issues, which is understandable; but this is ObamaCare legislation that will impact one-sixth of the US economy. We have a right to see the whole story. What possible reason can there be for not sharing this information with Congress if not for the DIRTY deals that were made by the President with these interest groups. Obama is claiming Executive Privilege in his drive to stop these DIRTY deals from seeing the light of day. Obviously, the President does not want the American people to see all of his shenanigans especially since he will be running for reelection in 2012. ObamaCare is radioactive enough without throwing even more flames on the fire.

President Obama, who promised transparency, seeks to hide the truth from the American people because it would reveal various DIRTY deals that could bring down his Presidency in 2012. That OK, we can surmise the truth. We see the President's handiwork in the ObamaCare legislation. ObamaCare is one of many reasons we must finish the job begun in 2010 by sweeping these Socialists, including the President, out of office in 2012 and 2014. We must take back our country by electing Conservatives that support free market capitalism, not Socialism, limited government, not bigger more intrusive government, lower taxes and less regulations, not higher taxes and more regulations, a balanced budget, not more trillion dollar deficit spending that is bankrupting our country, term limits, not politicians for life, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, not an open border and amnesty, the right to bear arms, not more restrictions on gun rights, the sanctity of life, not unrestricted abortions, and recognition that the family is the foundation of our nation. The choice between the Socialists and Conservatives could not be more clear and the American people know it.

We must take back our country in 2012 and 2014 by electing Conservatives, who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, public employee unions, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current or former Presidents, Congresses, or the Courts. We must take back our country and we must start with the repeal of ObamaCare that is based on many DIRTY deals. We can do it. We must do it preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

American Energy Initiative - Republicans Have It Right

Socialists in Congress are pushing to release oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve because they are scared to death that the American people will rise up against them in 2012, at the polls, if gas prices are over $4.00 a gallon, as is now happening. Socialists should be scared because they and their environmental wacko supporters that have hindered the development of all current energy sources in the US are the reason the United States is not energy independent today. While they may have to release oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve as a short term solution to the problem, it will do nothing to address our dependence on foreign oil for the long term.

The Republicans in Congress get it as they are introducing legislation that they call the American Energy Initiative designed to foster development of nuclear, natural gas, clean coal, oil shale and oil in the United States as a bridge to further technologies like wind, solar and bio fuels that are not economically feasible today without huge government subsidies. We need cheap energy to grow our economy and jobs in the United States. It is just that simple. The United States could be energy independent within 20 years if the Socialists and environmental wackos would just get out of the way. Current energy sources can be developed in environmentally sound ways to give us the time we need to complete research and development on the non-carbon based technologies of the future. This is just common sense.

If we don't sweep President Obama and the other Socialists in office out of office in 2012 and 2014, the United States will fall behind, all energy prices will skyrocket and Americans will experience high unemployment for years to come and a lower standard of living. Energy available at reasonable cost is the basis for economic growth and development. The Chinese get it. They are developing all current sources of energy, as well as, pursuing the technologies of the future and we must do the same if we are to remain a super power. This is actually a national security issue, as well.

We must sweep these Socialists out of office in 2012 and 2014 by electing Conservatives that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, real education, ENERGY and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth, jobs in our country and to maintain our super power status in the world.

Most important, we must elect Conservatives, who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, public employee unions, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current or former Presidents, Congresses, or the Courts. We must take back our country. The American Energy Initiative is a good way to start the process. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

President Obama - There He Goes Again

The Government Accountability Office recently issued a report demonstrating that the federal government wastes billions of dollars each year on redundant programs and agencies. Yet as though that report was never issued, Socialist President Obama is proposing a new agency called the Advanced Research Projects Agency - Education within the Department of Education to work with companies to design educational gadgets for the classroom. And, while the first year funding proposed by Obama of $90 million is chicken feed by Washington standards, it would be added to the $77 billion already proposed by Obama for the Department of Education. Is this President on drugs? Or, is Obama suffering from second hand marijuana smoke coming from staffers who are potheads.

There has got to be some explanation for Obama's irrational behaviors and actions since he continues to ignore the election last November when the President suffered a "shellacking". Clearly, President Obama did not get the message. WE THE PEOPLE want the trillion plus deficit spending that is bankrupting our country to end. Instead of adding new programs and agencies, we want existing programs and agencies eliminated entirely. Of course, Obama's hair brained Socialist schemes to create new agencies will never make it through a Republican controlled House of Representatives; but it is both shocking and amazing that Obama would even propose such a stupid idea. The United States has a vibrant technology industry. If there is money to be made coming up with gadgets for the classroom, there is no need for government intervention to make it happen.

If only Obama believed in free market capitalism, he would understand that the profit motive drives innovation not more government bureaucrats that always stifle economic growth and development. Obama's latest Socialist Scheme is one more reason, we must sweep Obama and the other Socialists out of office in 2012 and 2014 by electing Conservatives that understand and support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, real education, energy and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and jobs in our country.

We must take back our country in 2012 and 2014 by electing Conservatives who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, public employee unions, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current, or former Presidents, Congresses, or the Courts. We must take back our country to stop the Socialist Schemes and deficit spending that is bankrupting our country. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Socialists In Wisconsin Should Be Recalled From Office

Fourteen Socialist State Senators in Wisconsin, who are still sitting in Illinois to prevent a vote on collective bargaining for public employee unions, should not only not be paid their salaries, these Senators should all be recalled from office. It is outrageous that these State Senators refuse to return to Wisconsin to their jobs, which is vote Yes or No on legislation put before them. Certainly, Republicans have been in the minority for years, while Socialists ran amok bankrupting our country, but Republicans have never practiced these silly antics when they did not have the votes to prevail.

This stunt just proves conclusively that Socialists, at both the state level and in Washington, are owned lock, stock and barrel by the public employee unions in a corrupt bargain that provides Socialist politicians with campaign funds in exchange for compensation and benefits for union employees that are bankrupting our country. Enough is enough. Republicans Governors around the country have it exactly right. Many states are facing bankruptcy because of all these back room deals with public employee unions over the years. There is no way to balance state budgets, or the federal budget, without bringing public employee union compensation and benefits in line with private sector pay. WE THE PEOPLE are stuck with high taxes so that these characters can continue feeding at the trough. It has got to stop.

What is particularly hard to take is the compensation and benefits going to many incompetent public school teachers, that produce among the poorest results in the industrialized world specific to student academic performance, not to mention bureaucrats who are retired in service. Many of these government employees do little or nothing in accordance with union rules and call it work. While there have been pay cuts and downsizing in the private sector, where in many cases employees are doing the jobs of two people, no such thing has happened with many government employees who are paid hefty salaries and provided with pensions far in excess of what is typical in the private sector. And, it is nearly impossible to FIRE government employees no matter how incompetent they may be. This is all ridiculous.

We have got to sweep these Socialists out of office in 2012 and 2014 to prevent the bankruptcy of our country. Common sense Civil Service Commissions, staffed by businessmen and women from the private sector should govern public employees. No one wants to pay government employees less than private sector employees; but neither should they be paid more than private sector employees doing the same jobs since it is private sector employees paying the taxes to pay public sector employees. And, the federal government has added more than 200,000 employees since Socialist President Obama was elected. We need to see elimination of many government programs, agencies and consolidation of cabinet departments, which should result in lay off's of public employees to get federal government expenses under control. Obama's annual trillion dollar plus deficits have got to stop.

We have to elect Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 committed to balanced budgets at the state and federal levels that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, term limits, real education, energy and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth in our country.

Most important, we must elect Conservatives who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, public employee unions, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current and former Presidents, Congresses or the Courts. Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin is to be applauded for holding firm related to reining in public employee unions. Collective bargaining and the right to strike should absolutely be eliminated for public employees. Finally, we are starting to see some brave politicians who get it. We need to elect more of them in 2012 and 2014 to take back our country to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Inflation - High Food and Gas Prices - A Domino Effect

The price of food is going through the roof. According to the World Bank, the cost of wheat, rice, corn, sugar and edible oils has gone up 15%. While some of this increase has occurred because of natural disasters and weather issues, the use of corn to produce subsidized ethanol is directly leading to higher food prices since corn is an animal feed stock. Higher food prices has pushed 44 million people in developing countries into poverty. In fact, the unrest in the Middle East is as much about food riots as it is about a desire for more freedom. The instability in the Middle East is leading to higher gas prices in the United States.

The price of all commodities is rising because the US Federal Reserve's Policy has created a cheap dollar by printing money. Commodities are often priced in dollars since the dollar is the world's reserve currency. So what we have today is a domino effect that is destabilizing many countries and causing famine around the world. The United States is headed for much higher inflation and interest rates; though interest rates will rise slowly in accordance with Federal Reserve policy. This is happening because Socialist President Obama is continuing his policy of dramatic deficit spending. Even if Obama and the Socialists in Congress sign off on the measly cuts in spending of $61 billion proposed by the Republicans in Congress, the deficit in 2011 and 2012 will still be well over $1 trillion. All of this deficit spending is leading to high food prices and inflation.

These lessons are taught in Economics 101, but the Socialists in office, including President Obama, either did not take that course in college, or must have failed it since they just don't get any of this. As such, we have to sweep these characters out of office in 2012 and 2014 by electing Conservatives that got an A in Economics 101, not only to prevent the bankruptcy of our country; but to stop the inflation that is sure to come if the Socialists are allowed to pursue their reckless schemes.

We have to take back our country in 2012 and 2014 by electing Conservatives that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, real energy, education and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and jobs in our country.

We must elect Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, public employee unions, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current and former Presidents, Congresses, or the Courts. We must take back our country to prevent the inflation and high interest rates that are otherwise coming. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Senator Dirty Harry Reid - Just Playing Games

Socialist Senator Dirty Harry Reid, the Majority leader of the US Senate, is just playing the same old games. Reid has proposed $6.5 billion in spending cuts in 2011, while the Republicans in the House of Representatives have proposed $61 billion in cuts. The federal government is spending more than $3 trillion a year; that is 3,000 billion dollars. The $6.5 billion in cuts proposed by Reid would be added to the $ 4 billion in cuts that have already made it through Congress. If family income was $100,000 per year, cutting $10.5 billion in expenses would be like cutting $350 from your annual family budget. That is probably the money many families spend on Starbucks coffee each year. This is ridiculous and represents no spending cuts at all. Even the Republican proposal to cut $61 billion is peanuts; though it would represent a cut of $2,030 from an annual $100,000 income.

A 5% cut in Socialist President Obama's proposed $3.7 trillion 2012 budget, which will result in a $1.1 trillion deficit, would amount to $185 billion, still peanuts. What we really need is a $500 billion cut in spending, which would amount to a 13.5% cut to demonstrate that we are serious about stopping the deficit spending and paying off our national debt. Anything less is just playing games and tinkering around the edges. It can be done by eliminating many worthless programs and agencies, Obama's 39 Czars and consolidating many government cabinet departments that are redundant.

Socialist politicians, including President Obama and any remaining RINO's in Congress will never vote to make these cuts, which is the reason we must sweep them all out of office in 2012 and 2014 to prevent the bankruptcy of our nation. We have to take our country back to get deficit spending under control by electing common sense Conservatives that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and jobs in our country.

Most important, we must elect Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 who will adhere to the Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers, not as contrived by the left wing media, public employee unions, Socialists in the last 98 years, our current or former Presidents, Congresses, or the Courts. It is clear that Senator Dirty Harry Reid and President Obama are just playing games. Obama and Reid have no intention of cutting spending to end deficit spending because they are focused on buying votes from their PEEP's. We have to take back our country in 2012 and 2014. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Federal Government Waste - What A Surprise

In a blockbuster report, the Government Accounting Office has identified billions of dollars in federal government waste spent on duplicate programs and tax payer rip off's. This report has been published at the same time that the Socialists in Congress and President Obama are arguing with the Republicans about a lousy $61 billion in cuts. Things are so out of control in Washington that no one really knows where all the money is going. Socialist President Obama's 2012 budget proposal will result in a $1.1 trillion deficit if we can believe the numbers. WE THE PEOPLE must stand up and say Hell No to any more deficits that are bankrupting our country.

It is time to cut $500 billion in spending in the 2012 budget. To get there agencies and programs must be eliminated and cabinet departments must be consolidated. We just don't need a federal government intruding into every aspect of our lives. Of course, Socialist President Obama and the Socialists in Congress will never agree to any of this, which is the reason we must sweep them all of office in 2012 and 2014 to prevent the bankruptcy of the United States.

We must elect Conservatives in 2012 and 2014 that support free market capitalism, limited government, lower taxes and less regulation, a balanced budget, term limits, real energy, education and health care reform, a strong national defense, including securing our border and fighting Terrorism, the right to bear arms, the sanctity of life and family values that are the foundation of our nation. This is the platform supported by the majority of the American people and the only way to restore economic growth and job creation in our country.

We have to take back our country, which means making Obama a one term President in 2012. We can do it. We must do it to preserve our freedom, our nation and way of life for the sake of our children and grandchildren.